How long was your longest relationship? No matter what the cards share about your eventual (or perhaps very soon arriving) soul mate, know that there will always be fulfillment and importance in the first relationship that will always stick with you through thick and thin the one with yourself! WHEN Will I MEET My SOULMATE Psychic Tarot Reading, When, Where & How, Location, Circumstances and Timelines, Clairvoyance, Only for 18+. The 10 of Pentacles is a card that fulfills our hopes and dreams. Before you can consider a relationship with your soulmate, you must first consider your relationship with yourself. The High Priestess is the wisest woman you've ever met. This is one of the most common questions I hear regarding tarot readings, and there is a reason for that. 2. How will I meet my soulmate? The Card of the Lovers Your relationships and inclinations are represented by the Lovers Card. 6.1K Followers. 2. When you are about to meet your soulmate, your entire life will feel like a deja-vu. Everyone wants to find love, but not everyone will find everlasting love. When it comes to romance, we here at know that you want more than just answers into your love life -- you want to be sure you'll find your other half. Imagine you knew exactly when you were going to meet the partner of your dreams. This unusual Love Reading will tell you! What can I do to put myself in the attitude needed to meet my soul mate? This will not prevent some people from seducing whoever they want around August 13, thanks to the conjunction of the Sun and Venus in Leo, but they will only commit themselves afterward. Your new partner will be kind-hearted and caring towards everyone they meet. That's what I did and this is my result: You will meet your soulmate at a big event! The SANE way to read the Tarot cards for yourself. Use the card to guide your understanding and draw more cards if you feel the need. Ignite the passion of true love with Its the time to consciously infuse the cards with your energy. Tarot spreads to manifest a soulmate need to shift the questions. She began her Tarot journey as a teenager when she was gifted her first deck by her mother and immediately fell in love with and connected quickly to the practice of card reading.Lexi founded, How Tarot Can Tell You About Your Soulmate. 1. But whatever the definition, theres no doubt that the concept of a soul mate resonates deeply with our desires to be seen, loved, and understood by our peers. Are outside influences affecting my relationship? This stereotype is a tough one to live by, because youre then expecting anyone you meet to be a certain way. Be sure to check your email as weve sent you important information regarding your Daily Horoscope. And I tend to be asked the same questions over and over all variations of: How does the other person feel about me? Is my lover coming back?and When will I meet my soul mate?, So, because speed is of the essence and I dont have time to locate The Lovers card in the pack when Im on the phone/chat lines, Ive devised my own soul mate tarot spreads for the most often asked questions that you can see here. The Ace of Cups is a good card for those who want to find love. Sometimes you have some karma to work out with another soul, and sometimes you have a duty towards another soul due to some previous commitment or deal if you will. If you havent trained with a teacher to help guide you through journeying processes, I highly encourage you to wait until you find your mentor that can help you to do this. Love Match - Your Ideal partner. While this is not a given, it could be an indication of your soulmates zodiac sign. It will tell you how to handle any misunderstandings and mistakes that might arise during the process of mending your broken relationships. And yes this includes information on your soul mate too! The Judgement card advises that youre about to make a big decision. keep an open mind, as it may be someone you know or not yet. Your love story is always being written, and the Magic card gives you a glimpse at the chapters that are still unfolding. Ultimately, you can tweak the spread or ask additional questions that your curiosities may lead you to! Sometimes our soulmates cross our paths for only a short time. 'Chemistry' is an intermediate 6-card tarot spread which reveals the energies and romantic possibilities between people. In short, take care of your own soul and find fulfillment in yourself- and you are sure to find your soulmate arriving soon. Four cards are used in this spread. Youre likely to meet someone whos highly intelligent and helpful in their own way. The World card advises you to bring the people around you into the fold and make them part of your life. She created Tarot Guru to help others actualize their spiritual potential and make the art of Tarot accessible to all. In this spread, card positions four and five can also allude to the soul contract that you may or not have with this person. Sometimes, if we are fortunate, it is the perfect timing and we meet our soulmates and end up sharing the rest of our days with them as our partners. The above spreads are some of my favorite spreads to use when consulting my cards with a question about soulmates. To determine your areas for improvement with the Tarot, draw one card and interpret its message. As per marriage astrology, you will meet your . Answer: You can use the standard tarot deck, an oracle deck, or any other tarot card deck you feel comfortable using. From September 4, they will feel more mature and ready to invest fully in their relationship, without fear of getting sidetracked. You need to decide whether you want to start a family or if you want more time for yourself. This is a very popular tarot question, and one I get asked frequently. You can also use astrology to find your perfect match: How to Discover Your Perfect Soul Mate With a Synastry Chart Reading. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The Hanged Man card advises you to slow down and take it easy for a while. In general, if theres something that needs healing or a better understanding of the other person, this is the card that will help you along your way. FREE 3-Card Tarot Reading. Following this, the calculator would look for birthdays that are in sync with the seven chakras. The positions are "You", "Your Partner" and "The Outlook". revealing the path toward your soulmate NOW. If its all about finding love, The Moon is a good card for you. You need to decide whether you want a job that will drive you to success or if youre ready to settle down and start a family. Celtic Cross Spread Explained: What Does it Mean? You'll find your soulmate if you look to the edges of a party. If you want to turn your desires into reality, then the Law of Attraction and astrology are the perfect dynamic duo! The Moon card advises that youre about to make an important decision. The World card will help you bring the people around you into your world and make them feel like theyre a part of your life. The first card will represent you; the second one your soulmate, and the third your relationship. It can feel like a strong sense of recognition or familiarity or even feel like love at first sight. Do you even know who you're looking for? You might be able to meet your soulmate or you might find out what you want in life. Tarot Card Draw #2: The Lovers. I know how hard it is to wait for that special someone, but you must be patient. Light a candle, have a glass of water nearby, and have either your favorite crystal or plant nearby and ensure you have an open window close by or burn incense for the smoke. If you want your significant other to share your interests and passions, this is the card for you. The Lovers Card: if you draw this card in a soulmate reading, it is an indication that it is time to make up your mind about a relationship. Lets learn more about soul matesand use the Tarot to find out where yours might hiding. Unless, of course, you already know deep in your mind who your soulmate is and the cards simply unearth what you already know. And here are some 'meet your soul mate tarot spreads' I love. How beautiful it must be to meet a partner you can share this crazy adventure we call life. Finding lasting love is not an easy task! Love it out there, love is ready for you, you just need to know where to find it. iFate works with writers who have knowledge and experience about all types of esoterica.We're an equal opportunity publication with a strong commitment to diversity, equity and jnclusion. Makes sense right? Whether it's at a wedding, a birthday party, or yikes, even a funeral. My ebook: Easy Peasy Tarot Card Meaningsisthe magical guide youve been waiting for. Trust in Tarot. Big things rarely happen unless we are staring them right in the face and are willing to take action. This union can be personal, professional, or even one of romance. So, to put all these notions to rest, take the "When will I meet my soulmate?" quiz to put all these notions to rest. This is an excellent tarot spread for love & relationships. Everyone has a soulmate, the other half of their soul, the perfect partner thats just waiting around the corner. Sign #21. The idea of an ideal match in the form of a soulmate fascinates us all. Start this quiz to find your result. Naturally, when you meet your soulmate and fall in love, you feel happy and giddy pretty much all of the time. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign's Weekly Tarot Horoscope For February 27 - March 5, 2023. . FREE Cosmic Birth Chart. Although the soulmate subject has a variety of perspectives, I think I have met one or two people I could call soulmates. Become the soulmate you want to be. This simple 3-rune spread borrowed from tarot, reveals the past, present and future of any situation, person or event. Home Categories. If you want your mom or dad to be more involved in your life, this is the card for you. Answer (1 of 71): Look, this is the thing with tarot cards - everybody could be it or it is a potential soul mate in your life. He shares his opinion on spiritual matters with a NO BS approach. Youre likely to meet a new friend or lover who can show you exactly what it means to live a happy and fulfilled life. Want more super-useful easy-peasy tarot spreads for love? If youre not too interested in the story behind the connection, you can just use the first layout. What is preventing me from finding true love? But you have not yet let go of everything you need to in order for there to be room in your heart and life for this person.Where are you holding onto hurt and anger? The Sun cards appearance in a soulmate spread is an indication that your soulmate may already be in your life. It is the kind of childlike and innocent joy that we miss very often as we head into adulthood and shake away the purity of our childhood perspective. But the thing is, it isnt always a fairytale. Lay the cards in front of you facing up. Finding your soulmate is the most pleasurable, satisfying feeling in the world. When Will I Meet My Soulmate? Shuffle your deck and pick up one Tarot card and lay it down flat. We all wonder if the tarot can help us find our soulmate. The Hermit card advises that youre about to make big changes in your life. With this in mind, a card that comes up as a soulmate doesnt mean they are the one or the forever-partner. The Two of Cups: The cups suit is part of the minor arcana and is the suit most closely related to love. Her great-grandmother was the first registered nurse in Hawaii and is believed to have been a gifted midwife. But is it worth it? The road to romance is full of bumps and roadblocks. When you look back at how you met your soulmate, you realize that starts really have aligned to make it happen. Firstly, clear your mind. Which areas of your life are you holding onto negativity? This isnt easy. This spread uses four cards. If your date of birth falls between any of these dates, you're an Aquarius. This third position offers insight into how you can influence the situation in a positive manner. You will never know what will happen. ), But luckily the tarot can give us clues. I know how hard it is to wait for that special someone, but you must be patient. This creates a sacred space with all elements. And although the short answer is always: When you are a vibrational match to your soul mate thats not often helpful to my clients(! This tarot reading for Couple Love tells you if everything will go well or not. Alternatively, if the Devil appears while youre trying to get over someone, its a warning that youll need to work through your past before you can move on. What I will discuss below are the things that I have seen over and over again in my readings, as well as the mistakes that have been made by many people. Use Tarot Readings to Find Out When You Will Meet Your Soulmate You may be waiting in anticipation, hoping you run into your soulmate every time you go to the grocery store, wondering if they are sitting around the next corner, longing for you in the same ways. If youre looking for love, The Magician is a great card for you. Hermetic Tarot Guide: Intricate Designs for Clarity and Simplicity, Copyright 2023 Tarot Technique | Powered by Astra WordPress Theme. If youre looking for love, The Magician is a great card for you. I write interactive tarot readings here on Medium Check out my blog for even more tarot content: No more worries or stress, now more wasted time. Across the world and history, there have been multiple definitions assigned to the seemingly simple title of soul mate.. Soulmates can be people that are here for a season, a reason, and/or a lifetime. WHEN WILL I MEET MY SOULMATELOVE TAROT #SHORTS All Signs Taurus, Aries, Leo, Pisces, Libra, Aquarius, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Virgo, Scorpio, Cancer, . When it comes to romance, we here at know that you want more than just answers into your love life -- you want to be sure you'll find your other half. The Sun is all about fun, lightness, and ease in our attitude. Sometimes we need to zoom out and get a bird's-eye view of our current situation. And with your soulmate, you'll be sharing your soul. If you want to meet your soulmate but youre not quite sure how or where, this is the card that will guide you through it with ease. Alternatively, it may be a case of youve already connected with someone but youre not quite sure who it is. This is not what I want you to be saying, because it sets up an expectation and a timeline. And it is an excellent tool since it acts as a mirror or lesson for you. If youre ready to let go of a relationship thats been toxic or if your relationships are on the rocks, this is the card for you. I hope that this article will help you understand the different cards that you can look out for when trying to find out when you will meet your soulmate. But if you pull it in a soulmate layout, then its meaning is clear: you have a choice to make, and now is the time to make your choice! The Sun Card: The Sun is telling you that you may already know your soulmate but you might not know exactly who it is. Aquarius-borns don't understand love, but there is a chance of finding a soulmate at an early age. No. 10. Instead, you are going to intentionally select the first card as one that you feel represents the ideal you (the person you want to be in the partnership). Libra (September 23 - October 22) This is projecting a moment ahead when you will know it is all going to be okay. In this spread, you want to use manifestation instead. The broader perspective and influence of your conscience. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'tarostrology_net-medrectangle-3','ezslot_0',166,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tarostrology_net-medrectangle-3-0'); Choose a Psychic for Live Phone, Chat & Video Readings. If you are looking for a tarot reading about meeting your soulmate then this is the article you are looking for. When doing this spread, it can be helpful to use the cards as a mirror for yourself. These unknown factors could help or hurt you, making it crucial to identify them. Well, read on. The Empress card advises you to open yourself up to a greater sense of abundance. So when you accept the invitation, do it with an open mind. Follow. A soulmate tarot spread is a great tool to uncover what we are really looking for in a partner (our soulmate) and what is preventing us from finding them. Theres a great amount of energy and momentum behind your dreams. Write for us! What tarot cards will tell you about the right time you will meet your soulmate. So, you may meet your soulmate when you least expect itmaybe in passing, or as a fellow . Somehow I feel it's unanswered and is saying follow your . Life is hard, life is tricky. This reading provides a 1-2 sentence timeframe outlook to see when you will meet your future husband, wife, soulmate, twinflame next boyfriend and/or girlfriend. The two of you will be willing to sacrifice for each other because its all about making a better life for yourselves. Maybe you have a great smile, a successful career, or a cute dog. The Destiny card provides insight into where you are headed in your pursuit of love, helping you see that your future is always taking shape, even if you aren't aware of it. As a freelance writer, Jessica loves being able to showcase her respect and love for this niche on Tarot Technique. This could be the King of Cups, the Emperor, or whatever energy you would like your ideal partner to embody. An expectation and a timeline alternatively, it isnt always a fairytale Jessica loves able... Of their soul, the perfect dynamic duo the right time you be! The process of mending your broken relationships greater sense of abundance I do to put myself the! These dates, you will meet your soulmate have a great card for you making! A positive manner a happy and giddy pretty much all of the.. 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