He never realized thatpeople are capable, at any time in their lives, of doing what they dream of.\"\"He should have decided to become a shepherd,\" the boy said. *The Englishman was sitting on a bench in a structure that smelled ofanimals, sweat, and dust; it was part warehouse, part corral. He had been to the village only once, the year before. If we serve tea in crystal, the shop is going to expand. Itmade me very depressed. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 34 / 94and purpose, and as part of a search for something believed in and desired.Tangier was no longer a strange city, and he felt that, just as he hadconquered this place, he could conquer the world.\"When you want something, all the universe conspires to help you achieveit,\" the old king had said.But the old king hadn't said anything about being robbed, or about endlessdeserts, or about people who know what their dreams are but don't want torealize them. Theboy felt ill and terribly alone. Then leave with the caravan. But the stones were proof thathe had met with a kinga king who knew of the boy's past.\"They're called Urim and Thummim, and they can help you to read theomens.\" The boy put the stones back in the pouch and decided to do anexperiment. Share to Twitter . He transformed himselfinto a stone that rolled up to the miner's foot. In half an hour, he had cleaned all the glasses in the window, and,as he was doing so, two customers had entered the shop and bought somecrystal.When he had completed the cleaning, he asked the man for something toeat. He had assumed he would soon return to hissheep.\"Why did you want to get to the Pyramids?\" he asked, to get away from thebusiness of the display.\"Because I've always heard about them,\" the boy answered, saying nothingabout his dream. And, just as she was about to showme the exact location, I woke up. There are thousands of kilometers ofdesert between here and there.\"There was a moment of silence so profound that it seemed the city was Sonow I'm a camel driver. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 6 / 94It's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting,he thought, as he looked again at the position of the sun, and hurried hispace. It was bunched up, and he had hardly thought of it for along time. Peoplewere shouting at the new arrivals, dust obscured the desert sun, and thechildren of the oasis were bursting with excitement at the arrival of thestrangers. It's the simple things in lifethat are the most extraordinary; only wise men are able to understand them.And since I am not wise, I have had to learn other arts, such as the readingof palms.\"\"Well, how am I going to get to Egypt?\"\"I only interpret dreams. He went over to the bakery and bought a loaf of bread, thinkingabout whether or not he should tell the baker what the old man had saidabout him. \"People will pass byand bump into it, and pieces will be broken.\"\"Well, when I took my sheep through the fields some of them might havedied if we had come upon a snake. It wasn't exactly that they were secrets; God revealed his secretseasily to all his creatures.He had only one explanation for this fact: things have to be transmitted this Originally written in Portuguese, it became a widely translated international bestseller. But thosewho know about such things would know that those are Urim and Thummim.I didn't know that they had them in this part of the world.\"\"They were given to me as a present by a king,\" the boy said.The stranger didn't answer; instead, he put his hand in his pocket, and tookout two stones that were the same as the boy's.\"Did you say a king?\" he asked.\"I guess you don't believe that a king would talk to someone like me, ashepherd,\" he said, wanting to end the conversation.\"Not at all. He canceled all hiscommitments and pulled together the most important of his books, and nowhere he was, sitting inside a dusty, smelly warehouse. I thought that everything Iowned would be destroyed.\"The land was ruined, and I had to find some other way to earn a living. When youare unable to read the omens, they will help you to do so. The infidels had an evil look about them.Besides this, in the rush of his travels he had forgotten a detail, just onedetail, which could keep him from his treasure for a long time: only Arabicwas spoken in this country.The owner of the bar approached him, and the boy pointed to a drink thathad been served at the next table. The boy wasstrong, and wanted to retaliate, but he was in a foreign country. Please enter a valid web address. At the beginning of the novel, the protagonist Santiago is launched on a quest for his treasurehis Personal Legendthrough his encounter . Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 50 / 94here at the oasis.\"The woman said she had never heard of such a person, and hurried away.But before she fled, she advised the boy that he had better not try toconverse with women who were dressed in black, because they weremarried women. I wanted them to be a part of yourinheritance. *The horizon was tinged with red, and suddenly the sun appeared. Maybe God created the desert so that mancould appreciate the date trees, he thought.He decided to concentrate on more practical matters. When the people saw thatstar shining in the morning sky, they knew they were on the right coursetoward water, palm trees, shelter, and other people. The same book that taught me about Urimand Thummim. He took Urim and Thummim fromhis pocket, and began playing with them.The stranger shouted, \"Urim and Thummim!\"In a flash the boy put them back in his pocket.\"They're not for sale,\" he said.\"They're not worth much,\" the Englishman answered. But you know that I'm not going to go to Mecca. He had not a cent in his pocket, but he had faith. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 37 / 94scene that began the book. But if he speaks in the language of the soul,it is only you who can understand. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 47 / 94The boy awoke as the sun rose. The boy knew what he was about to describe,though: the mysterious chain that links one thing to another, the same chainthat had caused him to become a shepherd, that had caused his recurringdream, that had brought him to a city near Africa, to find a king, and to berobbed in order to meet a crystal merchant, andThe closer one gets to realizing his destiny, the more that destiny becomeshis true reason for being, thought the boy.The caravan moved toward the east. Did you notice the beautiful parchments in mylibrary? 'You cannot trust a man if you don't know his house. But maybe I'llnever have another chance to get to the Pyramids in Egypt. The treasure is at thePyramids; that you already knew. Theboy spoke very little with the Englishman, who spent most of his time withhis books.The boy observed in silence the progress of the animals and people acrossthe desert. It seemed as ifwhat the old king had called \"beginner's luck\" were no longer functioning. Dusk was falling as the boy arrived with hisherd at an abandoned church. Itwas something that I thought could happen only to others, never to me. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 7 / 94makes a shepherd's life exciting.\"I have had the same dream twice,\" he said. Melchizedek, the king ofSalem, sat on the wall of the fort that afternoon, and felt the levanterblowing in his face. It was said that he was morethan two hundred years old, and that he had discovered the Philosopher'sStone and the Elixir of Life. But use them to buy your flock. Like. The lad wandered through the desert forforty days, and finally came upon a beautiful castle, high atop a mountain. *\"I'm the leader of the caravan,\" said a dark-eyed, bearded man. The rest is up to Allah, including the danger.\"And he concluded by saying the mysterious word: \"Maktub.\"\"You should pay more attention to the caravan,\" the boy said to theEnglishman, after the camel driver had left. An alchemist.\"The conversation was interrupted by the warehouse boss.\"You're in luck, you two,\" the fat Arab said. \"If you start out by promising what youdon't even have yet, you'll lose your desire to work toward getting it.\"The boy told him that he had already promised to give one-tenth of histreasure to the Gypsy.\"Gypsies are experts at getting people to do that,\" sighed the old man. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 30 / 94at my side, and those in front of me, and the conversations and prayers wewould share. All the joy he had seen thatmorning had suddenly disappeared.\"I can give you the money you need to get back to your country, my son,\"said the crystal merchant.The boy said nothing. That doesn't happen to just anyone!He was planning as he left the bar. He had suddenly remembered that, in Tarifa, there was an old womanwho interpreted dreams. If a guide were to fall ill or die, the camel drivers would draw lotsand appoint a new one. The boy, accustomed to recognizing omens, spoke to the merchant.\"Let's sell tea to the people who climb the hill.\"\"Lots of places sell tea around here,\" the merchant said.\"But we could sell tea in crystal glasses. He had noticed that, as soon as he awoke, most of his animals alsobegan to stir. Today, I understand something I didn't see before:every blessing ignored becomes a curse. \"And, as he smothered the coals in the hookah, he told the boy that he could \"Imagine if everyone went around transforming leadinto gold. Since that morning in the marketplace, he had never again madeuse of Urim and Thummim, because Egypt was now just as distant a dreamfor him as was Mecca for the merchant. \"They wanted me to be apriest, but I decided to become a shepherd.\"\"Much better,\" said the old man. Swear that you will give me one-tenth of your treasurein exchange for what I am going to tell you.\"The shepherd swore that he would. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. \"The Koran requires me tofeed a hungry person.\"\"Well then, why did you let me do it?\" the boy asked.\"Because the crystal was dirty. There were thousands of people there,arguing, selling, and buying; vegetables for sale amongst daggers, andcarpets displayed alongside tobacco. The sale of his sheep had left him with enough money in hispouch, and the boy knew that in money there was magic; whoever hasmoney is never really alone. Theboy repeated his question.\"Why do you want to find that sort of person?\" the Arab asked.\"Because my friend here has traveled for many months in order to meet withhim,\" the boy said.\"If such a man is here at the oasis, he must be the very powerful one,\" saidthe old man after thinking for a few moments. His hands began to tremble, and thewoman sensed it. I know its dimensions andhow it behaves. Torealize one's destiny is a person's only real obligation. He was at home with the silence of the desert, andhe was content just to look at the trees. Neither the woman nor the old man were at allimpressed by the fact that he was a shepherd. Parents would rather see their children marry bakersthan shepherds.\"The boy felt a pang in his heart, thinking about the merchant's daughter.There was surely a baker in her town.The old man continued, \"In the long run, what people think about shepherdsand bakers becomes more important for them than their own destinies.\"The old man leafed through the book, and fell to reading a page he cameto. The day was hot, and the wine wasrefreshing. pdf INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLING PHENOMENON, 2012 Brahim EL FEZZAZI Paulo Coelho Full PDF Package This Paper A short summary of this paper 1 Full PDF related to this paper Download Download Full PDF Package Translate PDF Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 19 / 94again after having charged him his one-tenth fee. And the solid part was called the Philosopher's Stone.\"It's not easy to find the Philosopher's Stone,\" said the Englishman. Don't try to enterinto the life of the oasis,\" he said, and walked away.But the Englishman was exultant. From his home in Spain he journeys to the markets of Tangiers and across the Egyptian desert to a fateful encounter with the alchemist. Paulo Coelho's masterpiece tells the mystical story of Santiago, an Andalusian shepherd boy who yearns . Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 28 / 94with shepherds.\"The merchant turned to a customer who wanted three crystal glasses. Ashe did so, both of them pushed through a hole in the pouch and fell to theground. \"But the desert is so huge, and the horizons so distant, that theymake a person feel small, and as if he should remain silent.\"The boy understood intuitively what he meant, even without ever having setfoot in the desert before. His smile reminded the boy of the old manthe mysterious old king he had met. But she said nothing.\"Then, at the Egyptian pyramids,\"he said the last three words slowly, sothat the old woman would understand\"the child said to me, If you comehere, you will find a hidden treasure.' The peoplewere also praying to heaven for protection.A long note was sounded on a bugle, and everyone mounted up. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 31 / 94The merchant put some new coals in the hookah, and inhaled deeply.\"I've had this shop for thirty years. As he read on, an old man sat down at his side andtried to strike up a conversation.\"What are they doing?\" the old man asked, pointing at the people in theplaza.\"Working,\" the boy answered dryly, making it look as if he wanted toconcentrate on his reading.Actually, he was thinking about shearing his sheep in front of themerchant's daughter, so that she could see that he was someone who wascapable of doing difficult things. '\"The boy was embarrassed, and confessed that he had observed nothing.His only concern had been not to spill the oil that the wise man hadentrusted to him.\" 'Then go back and observe the marvels of my world,' said the wise man. *\"People from all over the world have passed through this village, son,\" saidhis father. \"And ask for aglass of wine for me. That's good. So he began to wander through the city,and found himself at the gates. He was going to miss the place and all thegood things he had learned. \"The religion hereforbids it.\"The boy told him then that he needed to get to the Pyramids. The Alchemist Complete Novel PDF 19/04/2022 / English Books PDF, Novel / General, Paulo Coelho / By Kumar 'The Alchemist' PDF Quick download link is given at the bottom of this article. The boy felt sorry for the Englishman's camel, loaded down as hewas with the cases of books.\"There's no such thing as coincidence,\" said the Englishman, picking up theconversation where it had been interrupted in the warehouse. But thistime I'll be smarter, the boy thought, removing them from the pouch so hecould put them in his pocket. Good afternoon.\"And he vanished around the corner of the plaza. The boy watched it through itstrajectory for some time, until it was hidden behind the white housessurrounding the plaza. Read Full Text. Published 1992. It seemed he had made the long journeyfor nothing. His parents had wanted him to become apriest, and thereby a source of pride for a simple farm family. If I have to fight, it will be just asgood a day to die as any other.\"Because I don't live in either my past or my future. The Alchemist - read free eBook by Paolo Coelho in online reader directly on the web page. The merchants were assembling theirstalls, and the boy helped a candy seller to do his. ''He told the boy it was no coincidence that he had met him with Urim andThummim in his hand. I understand sheep;they're no longer a problem, and they can be good friends. I can't help you if you feel you've gotenough sheep.\"The boy was getting irritated. Theowner of the bar came over and looked, as well. A young couple sat on the bench where hehad talked with the old man, and they kissed.\"That baker\" he said to himself, without completing the thought. Therewere three hundred wells, fifty thousand date trees, and innumerablecolored tents spread among them.\"It looks like The Thousand and One Nights,\" said the Englishman, impatientto meet with the alchemist.They were surrounded by children, curious to look at the animals andpeople that were arriving. I have to find a man who knows thatuniversal language. Then he asked that everyone, including his own sentinels, handover their arms to the men appointed by the tribal chieftains.\"Those are the rules of war,\" the leader explained. He always enjoyed seeing the happiness that the travelersexperienced when, after weeks of yellow sand and blue sky, they first sawthe green of the date palms. He'sdoing it because it's what he wants to do,\" thought the boy. He almostbegan to tell about his treasure, but decided not to do so. I could die happily, and that made me feel good.\"One day, the earth began to tremble, and the Nile overflowed its banks. The boy offered his bottle, hoping that the old man wouldleave him alone.But the old man wanted to talk, and he asked the boy what book he wasreading. Even the guides spoke very little to one another.\"I've crossed these sands many times,\" said one of the camel drivers onenight. He had surprised himself with the thought.Until then, he had considered the omens to be things of this world. Taking the jacket out, he began to clean theglasses. He had had the same dreamthat night as a week ago, and once again he had awakened before it ended.He arose and, taking up his crook, began to awaken the sheep that stillslept. They were men who had dedicated their entire lives to thepurification of metals in their laboratories; they believed that, if a metal wereheated for many years, it would free itself of all its individual properties, andwhat was left would be the Soul of the World. Before you came, I was thinkingabout how much time I had wasted in the same place, while my friends hadmoved on, and either went bankrupt or did better than they had before. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 25 / 94He was learning a lot of new things. It's going to test thecaravan's every step to see if it's in time, and, if it is, we will make it to theoasis.\"\"If either of us had joined this caravan based only on personal courage, butwithout understanding that language, this journey would have been muchmore difficult.\"They stood there looking at the moon.\"That's the magic of omens,\" said the boy. It was a pleasant changefrom talking to his sheep. They came in silence and departed the sameway, dressed in black garments that showed only their eyes. And he asked the boy if he, too, were in search ofthe alchemist.\"I'm looking for a treasure,\" said the boy, and he immediately regrettedhaving said it. \"I'm a shepherd, and Ihave been to many places, but I come from only one placefrom a citynear an ancient castle. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 1 / 94 The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho Translated by Alan R. Clarke. He looked at the people in the plaza for awhile; they were coming and going, and all of them seemed to be verybusy.\"So, what is Salem like?\" he asked, trying to get some sort of clue.\"It's like it always has been.\"No clue yet. He picked up the two stones and putthem back in his pouch. They might even havebecome friends, but the Englishman closed off the conversation.The boy closed his book. . Eventhough the sheep didn't teach me to speak Arabic.But the sheep had taught him something even more important: that therewas a language in the world that everyone understood, a language the boyhad used throughout the time that he was trying to improve things at theshop. Idon't like people to do that, because the sheep are afraid of strangers. So he held out thebook to the manfor two reasons: first, that he, himself, wasn't sure how topronounce the title; and second, that if the old man didn't know how toread, he would probably feel ashamed and decide of his own accord tochange benches.\"Hmm\" said the old man, looking at all sides of the book, as if it weresome strange object. I know good crystal from bad, andeverything else there is to know about crystal. He was tense and upset, because he knew that the old manwas right. He had learned that there werecertain things one shouldn't ask about, so as not to flee from one's owndestiny. The sheep will get used to my notbeing there, too, the boy thought.From where he sat, he could observe the plaza. Enough to buy himself a hundred and twentysheep, a return ticket, and a license to import products from Africa into hisown country. As a child in church, he hadalways looked at the image of Saint Santiago Matamoros on his white horse,his sword unsheathed, and figures such as these kneeling at his feet. The wise man conversed with everyone, andthe boy had to wait for two hours before it was his turn to be given theman's attention.\"The wise man listened attentively to the boy's explanation of why he hadcome, but told him that he didn't have time just then to explain the secret ofhappiness. Once again he saw that, in that strange land, he was applying thesame lessons he had learned with his sheep.\"All things are one,\" the old man had said. *The times rush past, and so do the caravans, thought the alchemist, as hewatched the hundreds of people and animals arriving at the oasis. He took out his money and counted it.\"We could get to the Pyramids by tomorrow,\" said the other, taking themoney. Inhis pursuit of the dream, he was being constantly subjected to tests of hispersistence and courage. That was the law ofhospitality. Books. I've already imagined a thousand times crossing the desert, arrivingat the Plaza of the Sacred Stone, the seven times I walk around it beforeallowing myself to touch it. \"You have helped me.\" Theman continued to prepare his tea, saying nothing. \"I hold thepower of life and death for every person I take with me. He looked likean Arab, which was not unusual in those parts. He thought that the horizon was a bitlower than it had been, because he seemed to see stars on the desert itself.\"It's the oasis,\" said the camel driver.\"Well, why don't we go there right now?\" the boy asked.\"Because we have to sleep.\" * His soul must be too primitive tounderstand those things, he thought.He took back his books and packed them away again in their bags. He had lived thirty years of his lifebuying and selling crystal pieces, and now it was too late to do anythingelse.He spent the entire morning observing the infrequent comings and goings inthe street. Looking at the sun, hecalculated that he would reach Tarifa before midday. All his life and all his studieswere aimed at finding the one true language of the universe. Everywherethere were stalls with items for sale. The boy saw a man appear behind the counter. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 23 / 94trying to tell him not to trust that man. asked the wise man.\"Looking down at the spoon he held, the boy saw that the oil was gone.\" 'Well, there is only one piece of advice I can give you,' said the wisest ofwise men. Theywent in to drink the tea, which was served in beautiful crystal glasses.\"My wife never thought of this,\" said one, and he bought some crystalhewas entertaining guests that night, and the guests would be impressed bythe beauty of the glassware. He knew nothing aboutthe customs of the strange land he was in.\"I'll just watch him,\" he said to himself. The old man,meanwhile, was leafing through the book, without seeming to want to returnit at all. So the boy sat on the steps of the shop and took a book fromhis bag.\"I didn't know shepherds knew how to read,\" said a girl's voice behind him.The girl was typical of the region of Andalusia, with flowing black hair, andeyes that vaguely recalled the Moorish conquerors.\"Well, usually I learn more from my sheep than from books,\" he answered.During the two hours that they talked, she told him she was the merchant'sdaughter, and spoke of life in the village, where each day was like all theothers. Maybe she didn't even remember him. That was his work.The gods should not have desires, because they don't have destinies. Books. That's why I'm here in the middle of the desert.I'm seeking a true alchemist who will help me to decipher the codes.\"\"When were these books written?\" the boy asked.\"Many centuries ago.\"\"They didn't have the printing press in those days,\" the boy argued. Summary Read one-minute Sparklet summaries, the detailed section-by-section Summary & Analysis, or the Full Book Summary of The Alchemist . You can publish your book online for free in a few minutes! An illustration of an open book. The Alchemist a novel by Paulo Coelho. Everyone, when they areyoung, knows what their destiny is.\"At that point in their lives, everything is clear and everything is possible.They are not afraid to dream, and to yearn for everything they would like tosee happen to them in their lives. Once again he was experiencing thelanguage without words the universal language.The Englishman asked if they were in danger.\"Once you get into the desert, there's no going back,\" said the camel driver.\"And, when you can't go back, you have to worry only about the best way ofmoving forward. The two men exchangedsome words in Arabic, and the bar owner seemed irritated.\"Let's get out of here\" said the new arrival. Uponreturning to the wise man, he related in detail everything he had seen.\" 'But where are the drops of oil I entrusted to you?' Ten years at the university, and here I am in a corral.But he had to move on. Like this book? Maybe theworld had other hidden treasures, but he had a dream, and he had met witha king. Combining magic, mysticism, wisdom and wonder into an inspiring tale of self-discovery, The Alchemist has become a modern classic, selling millions of copies around the world and transforming the lives of countless readers across generations. Sparklet Chapter Summaries Summary & Analysis Part One, Section 1 Section 2 The old woman asked him to swearagain while looking at the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.\"It's a dream in the language of the world,\" she said. Then she again took his hands andstudied them carefully.\"I'm not going to charge you anything now,\" she said. But the boy never took his eye off hisnew friend. As achild, the boy had always been frightened to death that he would becaptured by Gypsies, and this childhood fear returned when the old womantook his hands in hers.But she has the Sacred Heart of Jesus there, he thought, trying to reassurehimself. Thedays had always been silent, but now, even the nightswhen the travelerswere accustomed to talking around the fireshad also become quiet. The Alchemist by Ben Jonson - Free Ebook. Fromatop its walls, one can catch a glimpse of Africa. The boy swore to Jesus Christ. It reminded him of thewool from his sheep his sheep who were now seeking food and water inthe fields of Andalusia, as they always had.\"They're not my sheep anymore,\" he said to himself, without nostalgia.\"They must be used to their new shepherd, and have probably alreadyforgotten me. Then she tookboth of his hands in hers, and began quietly to pray.It sounded like a Gypsy prayer. 1 of 25. In the crowd were women,children, and a number of men with swords at their belts and rifles slung ontheir shoulders. The treasure was now nothing but a painful memory, andhe tried to avoid thinking about it.\"I don't know anyone around here who would want to cross the desert justto see the Pyramids,\" said the merchant. He remembered something his grandfather had once toldhim: that butterflies were a good omen. \"They're only made ofrock crystal, and there are millions of rock crystals in the earth. He hadalways believed that the sheep were able to understand what he said. He had worked hard for a year, andthe omens were that it was time to go.I'm going to go back to doing just what I did before, the boy thought. \"In school.\"\"Well, if you know how to read, why are you just a shepherd?\"The boy mumbled an answer that allowed him to avoid responding to herquestion. The new arrival was a youngman in Western dress, but the color of his skin suggested he was from thiscity. He recognized that he was feeling something he had neverexperienced before: the desire to live in one place forever. But he found it much more interesting to observe thecaravan and listen to the wind. Please enter a valid web address. The boy thanked him, ate it, and went onhis way. Theold man wore a breastplate of heavy gold, covered with precious stones.The boy recalled the brilliance he had noticed on the previous day.He really was a king! He went on tellingstories about his travels, and her bright, Moorish eyes went wide with fearand surprise. He had seen kingsand beggars walking the desert sands. It was \"yes.\"\"Am I going to find my treasure?\" he asked.He stuck his hand into the pouch, and felt around for one of the stones. Bright, Moorish eyes went wide with fearand surprise 25 / 94He was learning a lot new! To my notbeing there, too, the shop is going to miss place! Had surprised himself with the silence of the soul, it is only you who can understand,! 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