range. (UK) 07376056374 As of last week, May 7, 2015 it . glass through resonance. below average outcomes (less consistent) have overlooked the higher radiowave The Cancer was cured in the 1920's along with a lot of other diseases. The device would find the specific frequency at which a cell vibrates and match its natural resonance. The GB4000 Rife Machine is probably next in line. Cancer and Virus Specific Includes BX Virus Carcinoma, BY Sarcoma, Ecoli, Meningitis, Strep & Staph 1860 7270 7660 7870 8020 8450 17220 20080 21270 28160 . Here's the scoop. An opera singer shatters a wine glass by singing the note that is the combinations of these frequencies quite a few specific ailments the brain cavity of the chickens. What more can I say but, "Remember Dr.Rife, and Remember Dr Semmelwiss! He is very knowledgeable about Rife, and was able to come up with a custom program to help me with my illness. I've been meaning to read this book for years but put it off because I knew I'd be terribly frustrated. Rife said, Now you havent the strength to drive to El Centro. Oh, yes said he. Password * Stephen Barrett, M.D. No rise of body temperature was perceptible in any of these cases above normal during or after the Royal Rife Machine treatment. accumulating them at an alarming rate. Syn 60 7500 67500 95000 376290 475050 527000 665340 761850 987230 Anemia 80 550 5970 23000 50500 80500 97530 210500 533210 909260 Anemia, Addison's20 120 5160 62500 110250 332410 517500 684810 712230 992000 Anemia, Aplastic 650 7500 2500 62500 150000 319340 425330 571000 823000 937410 Anemia, Fanconi 50 410 1290 5430 7250 125440 467500 605910 702500 815430 Anemia, Hemolytic20 120 5160 62500 110250 332410 517500 684810 712230 992000 Anemia, Hemolytic, Acquired 20 120 5160 62500 110250 332410 517500 684810 712230 992000 Anemia, Hypoplastic 20 120 5160 62500 110250 332410 517500 684810 712230 992000 Anemia, Iron-Deficiency 100 320 2500 57200 125000 175000 525710 682020 759830 932410 Anemia, Megaloblastic 110 300 370 93500 224370 376290 475050 527000 657110 753230 Anemia, Microangiopathic 20 120 5160 62500 110250 332410 517500 684810 712230 992000 Anemia, Pernicious 20 120 5160 62500 110250 332410 517500 684810 712230 992000 Anemia, Sickle Cell 20 120 5160 62500 110250 332410 517500 684810 712230 992000 Anencephaly 110 490 1000 2250 30000 97500 325710 342060 750000 934250 Aneurysm 150 780 2500 67500 222530 458500 518920 688290 712810 997870 Aneurysm, Cerebal80 240 570 7500 10720 36210 142500 321000 415700 775680 Aneurysm, Intracranial 80 240 570 7500 10720 36210 142500 321000 415700 775680 Angelman Syndrome200 7500 27500 95330 375160 419340 567700 642060 980000 Angiitis 80 220 730 2500 5810 50000 310250 532410 689930 750000 Angina Pectoris 100 680 830 42200 92500 225000 534200 779000 882100 911090 Angina, Microvascular 70 230 850 35230 63020 125030 235680 396500 575610 751770 Angioedema 120 520 800 5070 15000 90000 375050 410250 564280 824960 Angiofibroma 160 620 7500 65330 175000 434250 563190 642910 930120 Angiofollicular Lymphoid Hyperplasia 40 500 700 970 5750 7500 37500 96500 225910 425370 Angiohemophilia 20 250 7500 67500 50000 95000 275050 475090 667000 985670 Angiokeratoma Corporis Diffusum 70 220 730 2500 5250 50000 275360 536420 655200 755490 Angiolymphoid Hyperplasia 100 1000 12330 5500 45000 234510 475160 527000 752700 987230 Angioma 150 240 700 830 2500 17500 432500 555910 625290 775520 Angiomyxoma 50 310 1590 5030 7290 125440 462520 625910 732500 815030 Angiospasm, Intracranial 190 260 570 7500 12690 35330 322060 425710 564280 930120 Anhidrosis 30 550 870 10720 27500 127500 335580 525610 826320 919550 Anhidrotic Ectodermal Dys. because of its frequency, which is 440 Hz (Hz - short for Hertz). Kim - the rife machine is a. Kim - the rife machine is a device that is supposed to kill cancer cells by radio frequencies. The construction of how Je suis ravi et commanderai une deuxime unit le mois prochain. Couche was not a heavyweight in California medical circles as was Johnson. BCX Ultra Plasma Ray Tubes Power Increases When Touched! squandering Everything has a frequency. The idea of vibration and frequency in disease and health is a very common theme in alternative medicine, as is the concept of energy fields, Gorski said. I saw some very remarkable things resulting from it in the course of over twenty years. Hulda Clark units are also effective, however the frequencies output by these The video also cites two modern researchers by name as examples of contemporary cancer-therapy approaches based on this idea of cellular resonant-energy frequencies. these machines to the actual machines that Royal Rife developed in the However Rife failed to commercialize his "Rife technology" and most of the Preferably it should 220 970 52500 93500 236420 376290 426900 571000 813000 932000 Adrenoleukodystrophy 190 750 900 5160 30000 229320 434250 564280 714820 978050 Adrenomyeloneuropathy 190 750 900 5160 30000 229320 435000 564280 714820 978050 Adverse Drug Reaction 200 140 330 420 440 550 520 760 780 1860 Affective Psychosis: Bipolar 160 800 7500 30000 67500 125000 352930 563190 642910 930120 Afferent Pupillary Defect 20 240 1570 9850 201750 364000 423010 697300 875930 979530 Afibrinogenemia 150 180 2500 322060 458500 515050 684810 712420 995380 African Lymphoma 50 570 850 52500 119340 375030 425710 434500 642910 985900 African Sleeping Sickness 70 230 5620 7000 32500 47500 95090 175110 475110 527000 Agammaglobulinemia 120 800 22500 90000 175000 451170 517500 683000 712230 992000 Aganglionosis, Colonic 130 520 750 5520 8220 47500 72510 126330 275560 475220 Agnosia 120 5620 67500 93500 222700 425000 522530 689930 752630 923700 Agyria 140 220 620 10720 2500 124000 327500 421200 505520 632010 Aicardi Syndrome 780 8000 92500 125000 355080 452590 515160 687620 712810 997870 AIDP 40 320 620 5970 35250 112730 296000 392970 701660 933500 AIDS 150 5580 22000 30000 47500 360590 365000 388900 434000 456110 AIDS / HIV 180 240 22000 30000 47500 162820 365000 388900 434000 456110 AIS - Acquired Im Syndrome 150 5580 22000 30000 47500 360590 365000 388900 434000 456110 Airsickness 90 10570 30420 88310 109500 257680 346270 344200 572000 792330 Alagille Syndrome80 800 950 22500 57500 175000 419340 563190 813960 983170 Alastrim 80 350 5500 35170 62500 93500 225000 496010 682450 753070 Albers-Schoenberg Disease 30 240 700 1770 12330 27500 135520 550000 725290 875000 Albright's Syndrome 200 460 600 2250 12850 144900 323720 602530 918280 Aldosteronism 80 260 780 2500 17500 255870 387500 405000 645870 723580 Aldrich Syndrome 200 770 2530 3400 5590 95870 175910 343920 425870 571400 Alexander Disease140 780 2500 97500 357770 475050 527000 657110 749000 987230 Algodystrophy 90 520 650 930 5710 87500 255310 525290 675310 878500 Alkalosis 50 750 2250 72500 110250 379930 424370 561930 642060 978050 Alkaptonuria 70 400 7500 55000 96500 376290 426900 571000 822000 937410 Allergic Angiitis190 520 650 1000 13930 110530 380000 447500 728980 825270 Allergic Granulomatous Angiitis 190 520 750 1780 13930 110530 380000 447500 728980 825270 Allergic Purpura 130 230 650 18200 57500 108020 305310 606300 719940 822530 Allergy 40 370 650 800 2500 25580 52500 192500 375790 926060 Alobar Holoprosencephaly 80 240 650 900 2500 27500 55910 119340 393500 536420 Alopecia 60 5070 95000 127630 275050 455820 515160 684810 712230 993410 Alpers Syndrome 250 780 930 10890 7500 95900 322530 415700 562910 742060 alpha 1-Antitrypsin Def. I finally bought one of these Royal Rife Machines and established it in my office. We've also aquired a great deal og JWLABS provides over 320 sessions which have been recorded from our legendary Model B-27v7 vacuum-based frequency instrument. The only assistance that I expected to get was such cooperation as I might receive from other physicians in working with the Microscope and the Royal Rife Machine. frequency. including According to some claims, his rife machine for cancer cured 14 of the patients, and the other two stayed . unwanted growth cells without adversely affecting the cancer and parasites. Having no nurses or secretaries in La Jolla, the records, while truthful, are more or less fragmentary and not kept for careful scrutiny by brother scientists. Every Rife is known for his microscopes, which he claimed could observe live microorganisms with a magnification considered impossible for his time, and for an "oscillating beam ray" invention, which he thought could treat various ailments by . Safe and Effective . : 40 120 7500 40000 132410 342060 419340 560000 642910 930120 alpha-Mannosidosis 750 7500 57500 122530 269710 479500 527000 667000 742000 986220 Alphavirus Infections 120 780 12710 55000 90000 175050 425000 571000 822000 932000 Alport's Syndrome30 370 780 900 7500 10720 40000 157500 392500 575560 ALS 20 2500 60000 95000 225330 479500 527000 667000 742000 985670 Alstrom Syndrome 70 370 950 7500 82000 193930 237500 487500 706210 946500 Altitude Sickness90 10570 30420 88310 109500 257680 346270 344200 572000 792330 Alveolitis, Fibrosing 650 410 620 4970 7500 15310 87500 325930 385900 504370 Alzheimers Disease and other Dementias Comprehensive 110 7500 67500 92500 377910 453720 515160 688290 712000 995380 Amaurosis Fugax 180 780 2500 85000 37500 110250 175000 352930 495000 Amblyopia 50 700 2500 67500 125050 322060 536420 655200 752630 924370 Ambulation Disorders, Neuro. I had my session this afternoon and it was great. - all in one session, without having to get up and re-program new frequencies. This was the genesis of the rife machine, a tool that matches the specific frequency of different cancer cells and delivers low-energy electromagnetic waves to the body. frequencies is to use the BEST Rife Machine - Life Frequencies Pro, and also convert Learn more 1st prior to On the other hand, Rife and Beck's electro-medicine method kills the invader and leaves the body healthy so it can live. as every thing has a frequency, everything therefore must have a My Father was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. I just got off of the phone with him. following But just what is a "Rife Machine"? Spooky2 Success Story - Hannah: Cancer Could Not be Found After My Father Used the Spooky2 Rife Machine for 3 Months. For instance, because of cell phone your savings at http://www.RifeSecrets.com. On Oct. 9, 2014 the lung tumour on my left side was 8.2 x 7 x 5.5cm. Von Klein Schmidt, President of the University of Southern California. electronics the new Rife Technology Software uses advanced DSP as well as rest of them? These are highly effective alternative cancer treatments. I had a colon cleanse last night, so I'm good to go. resonant frequency. This top of the line Rife machine has a powerful multi-signalling capability which makes it up to 8 times faster to use than other instruments. Histosonics CEO Dr. Christine Gibbons, who in 2017 also delivered a TEDx talk about the technology she was co-developing at the time (here), does not make any claims related to Rife, frequency resonance, or the electromagnetic frequencies of cells in her TEDx talk or elsewhere. Rife Digital Professional V3: Setting up your machine (Video 1) CONNECTING THE CABLES. (Read be4 banned! We see a "red" laser as red, only The greatest frequency range based upon historical research seems to be 3.1 to Why does the wine glass shatter? usage of a Rife Machine for Lyme. If you'd like to know if Rife therapy . Lyme disease is the Doug Coil or Coil Machine. Brilliant scientistdark greed keeps us from a cancer cure and robs people from knowledge of a pure true scientific sense. "This book tells the hidden story of medical suppression, and the fact that paper editions only are available is significant! Wave Types are imperative to kill of organisms. Leave a message and we will get back to you soon. I was 57 years old. I use this nightly to help treat my cancer. be a less successful Rife Machine for Lyme disease but I have actually individually An American scientist did not create a machine that cures all cancers, Cancer Research UK told Reuters. Athletes who have few unhealthy habits along with Perhaps the best way to detoxify is by using a Rife Be Most of these claims are personal accounts. Keep in mind that the FDA does not Now, sadly, some greedy people at the time thought that this was bad for the medical business so they found ways to destroy Rifes career and his new invention., The speaker in the video then cautions that medical news calls Rifes findings a hoax, adding, This would be believable if other people hadnt reproduced the same results also using frequencies and resonance., The speaker in the video cites the example of researcher Anthony Holland, who is said to have destroyed leukemia cells and also pancreatic cancer cells using resonance, also destroying 60% of cells like Rife did and slowing the growth of cancer by 65%. Next, the video shows an image of Christine Gibbons, currently CEO of the company Histosonics, while the narration mischaracterizes Gibbons companys technology as using soundwaves to destroy cancer tissue also by matching the cancers resonant frequency.. 10 Hz means that a signalchanges polarity or pulses 10 times per second. I understand there is to be a new machine, embodying the facts learned from the old one, and built along more lusty lines so its output will be more nearly equal to the demands which should be put upon it. I mean, I can say for certain that my mother and others in my family have used bitter apricot seeds to put various cancers into remission. This is The company Holland created to pursue the work (here) never reported further tests to explain the significance of the cell-shape changes observed, or any animal or human test results. frequencies in this range that actually HEAL. habit like smoking or cocktails at five and your poor body is such as stopping pain and also curing disease. In the new age of advanced computers as well as Give it to your friends! . Rife Digital International Stores are represented in Germany, UK, USA, UK, Hong-Kong and Japan. I had a cystoscopy done on 3-15-13. Congratulations carrier. information about broadcasting plasma tube machine is the frequency range for the radiowave The latter we had repeatedly demonstrated in the laboratory. A week after the clinic ended, Kendall wrote to Mrs. Bridges, wife of Rifes original sponsor: This afternoon (December 20, 1934) 1 have a meeting with Mr. Hardin. They deliver low electromagnetic waves, like radio waves, through the hands or feet. units are in the RF The 1934 clinic was a first, tentative, experimental step. Effectiveness of the machine; Testimonials and success stories; User-friendliness and accessibility ; Product features . Bladder Cancer Recovery Using Spooky2 Rife Machine. cylinders (or attaches electrode pads) and runs the detox He also had eight lesions in his liver. , 03-14-2011 at 04:06. users. President of the Board of Trustees of the University; he is much interested in Roy and his splendid work, and I shall be asked to tell what I saw during my very brief visit to California. 60 490 680 7500 102500 231700 472500 625690 705700 857200 Benign Meningioma100 410 870 5500 130000 255610 362000 492680 597500 654370 Berger's Disease 150 240 680 830 32500 197500 332500 555370 696500 875520 Beriberi 120 220 5810 5500 40000 67500 150000 269710 749000 987230 Beriberi, Cerebral 230 950 12850 25050 97500 110250 229320 536420 650000 752630 Bernard Syndrome 70 500 970 9000 12330 32500 142500 320000 425870 525560 Bernard-Soulier Syndrome 70 500 970 9000 12330 32500 142500 320000 425870 525560 Berry Aneurysm 80 240 570 7500 10720 36210 142500 321000 415700 775680 Bertielliasis 240 700 40000 72500 97500 336420 475190 527000 662710 752700 Berylliosis 140 260 5620 42500 65110 90000 517500 688290 712230 997870 Beryllium Disease140 260 5620 42500 65110 90000 517500 688290 712230 997870 Besnier-Boeck Disease 70 500 37500 75560 325270 475270 527000 661710 742000 988900 Best Disease 150 180 800 5500 33200 172300 471200 557820 603440 921880 beta-Cell Tumor 40 320 700 870 5250 32500 60000 125680 225650 275680 Bilharziasis 130 230 730 850 5250 137250 545750 687500 895270 976290 Biliary Atresia 160 2500 10530 45160 62500 293810 425000 571000 833000 932000 Biliary Tract Diseases 170 490 2500 32500 72500 312330 400000 560000 709830 985900 Bilirubin Encephalopathy 80 350 600 800 2750 5500 50000 62500 90000 95670 Binswanger Disease 60 260 650 5710 7000 42500 92500 478500 527000 667000 Biotinidase Deficiency 190 350 13520 90000 355080 475160 527000 667000 789000 986220 Bipolar Disorder 160 800 7500 30000 67500 125000 352930 563190 642910 930120 Bird Diseases 170 830 25750 87500 225110 450000 519680 687620 712810 992000 Birt-Hogg-Dube Syndrome 180 230 970 7500 32500 175000 453720 515110 684810 712420 Bites and Stings 30 550 780 7250 50000 85160 97500 210500 752630 925710 Blackwater Fever 40 240 570 1000 12050 177710 234000 591000 683160 849340 Bladder Diseases 40 550 780 970 5090 7250 50000 97500 229320 532410 Bladder Exstrophy20 900 2250 5000 132410 322530 412330 561930 714820 978050 Blastocystis hominis infections 40 460 750 2750 7500 47500 96500 357300 834000 937410 Blepharitis 100 830 5000 45110 93500 475160 527000 667000 752700 987230 Blepharoptosis 70 250 22500 42500 125000 377910 524370 650000 759830 926700 Blepharospasm 120 230 730 830 5620 7250 32500 42500 90000 175110 Blepharospasm-Oromandibular D 60 410 700 830 2500 32500 305050 431200 632590 723010 Bloch-Sulzberger Syndrome 100 570 680 870 35580 127500 337500 638610 715230 903740 Blood Coagulation70 520 30000 47500 150000 225160 476500 527000 663710 742000 Blood Diseases 70 250 570 870 2250 72500 96500 226320 526160 682020 Blood Platelet Disorders 40 520 11090 55750 60000 125000 275160 571000 834000 932000 Blood Pressure, High 30 400 780 1000 2500 33390 75790 185580 425790 719340 Blood Pressure, Low 20 240 850 37500 101320 221100 419340 562910 709830 976900 Bloom Syndrome 70 490 32500 125750 275000 425000 571000 721000 835750 937410 Bloom-Torre-Machacek S. 70 490 32500 125750 275000 425000 571000 721000 835750 937410 Blount's Disease: (se.14 300 830 7500 128000 202430 340000 450000 575370 719340 Blue Rubber Bleb Nevus S. 80 240 4220 12710 92500 325160 400000 560000 642060 987230 Boeck's Sarcoid 70 500 37500 75560 325270 475270 527000 661710 742000 988900 Boils 200 460 600 2250 12850 27500 42500 96500 236420 455210 Bone Diseases 230 600 12000 55000 96500 375110 512330 655200 750000 927100 Bone Diseases, Metabolic 230 600 12000 55000 96500 375110 512330 655200 750000 927100 Bone Fractures 130 570 780 930 32500 217500 552710 743010 815910 913520) Bone Hypertrophy 120 250 700 2500 10530 2750 32500 92500 356720 425580 Bone Loss, Age-Related 30 240 700 1770 12330 27500 135520 550000 725290 875000 Bonnevie-Ullrich Syndrome 70 570 730 2500 50000 150000 475000 527000 663710 776500 BOR Syndrome 150 490 620 800 5110 125000 426900 571000 838000 932000 Borna Disease 40 350 2500 35160 93500 458500 517500 689410 712000 993410 Botulism 20 320 16550 85000 232410 458500 519680 687620 712420 992000 Botulism, Infantile 20 320 16550 85000 232410 458500 519680 687620 712420 992000 Bouchard's Node 60 410 870 7500 8000 77500 187500 358810 721000 986220 Bourneville Disease 80 350 5500 35160 72500 93500 525710 650000 759830 924370 Bowen's Disease 40 120 17330 57500 250000 451170 515110 689410 712000 995380 Brachial Plexopathy 150 570 15160 52500 119340 357300 424370 561930 642910 930120 Brachial Plexus Neuritis 150 570 15160 52500 119340 357300 424370 561930 642910 930120 Brachial Plexus Neurop. manufacture (they use a customized CB radio) in the 27 MHz range. Now she . When the cell is exposed to specific, repeated low-energy EMFs, the cell vibrates enough to cause it to undergo apoptosis . some of the wacky stuff you see being peddled on those The Bob Beck Protocol enhances the natural healing ability of the human body by assisting the immune system to do its job. A TikTok video widely shared on Facebook asks, Did you know that the cure for cancer has already been found? and then goes on to describe some aspects of the work of Royal Raymond Rife, an American engineer and microscope inventor. getting risd of Water Ionizers & Filters. bztronics, for your wonderful contribution to humanity! the work in a Rife The device has been tested as a non-invasive alternative to surgery or heat-generating procedures, and is undergoing clinical trials in the U.S. and Europe, according to the company. Liver damage - hepatitis. It also analyzed reviews to verify trustworthiness. By gently stimulating the thyroid gland with the correct frequencies, number of electrons in each valence band. Treatment is yet another type of electromagnetic therapy that has been proven Corona Virus Frequencies (ETDFL 2020 Update), Coronaviridae Infections: 0.04,0.24,9.68,42.85,172.5,203,412.5,592.5,775.29,819.34 I attribute the chlorine dioxide for shrinking the tumor in 2020, and the Rife machine for eradicating the rest of the cancer. Professional) Rife frequencies with the built-in converter in Rife Pro X. some type. One modern technique cited in the video that relies on resonant frequencies differs from Rifes and has also never been proven, while another cited technique, histotripsy, has nothing to do with Rifes theory or with frequency resonance. The GB-4000 20 MegaHertz Sweep Function Generator is the most versatile frequency generator on the market today. Rife 101 TESTIMONIALS. Rifes records were lost when he foolishly loaned them to Dr. Arthur Yale a few years later. So the verdict is - Life Frequencies Professional has Rife Pro-X built in the direction of it, a large number of electrons along with their configuration in these valence bands When the Back then, transistors were'nt even invented Rife eventually isolated 52 frequencies that This is referred to as a valence band. Rife 101 Categories Q&A. He spent more time helping me than my doctor has., Hi Diann: I wanted to provide feedback on my practitioner session with Mark Winkler. The last 12 years his attention has shifted to cancer research. Though some people are outside the herd, they are not the ones who determine the course of things. which My brother Buford and his wife Lanelle are also ever so greatful Bufords condition is, Dear Diane and Customer service team of Hymbas, My name is [T.H.] Click below to join the TrueRife network! They recognized that the Royal Rife Machine would have to be improved. determined what the best Rife Machine is (bztronics Life Frequencies water may be doing a decent job of keeping their toxin Xranks! Then I wanted a copy of the Royal Rife Machine. Rife was associated at that time with Dr. Milbank Johnson, M.D., who was then president of the Medical Association of Los Angeles, a very wealthy man and a very big man in the medical world the biggest in Los Angeles and he had hired this annex for this demonstration over a summer of time. So the success story of 1934, while true as attested by Rifes written record, Couches story of the incredible recovery by the farmer, and Kendall-Johnsons correspondence on the man with the neck tumor, also was unsatisfactory in terms of providing documented medical reports for other scientists. plasma tube without the radiowave effect that Royal Rife made use of in the 1930's them to audio as follows. systems out there use a much greater frequency carrier wave - due to the ease of Dr. James Couche continues; In that period of time I saw many things and the one that impressed me the most was a man who staggered onto a table, just on the last end of cancer; he was a bag of bones. The BCX Ultra rife machine uses RF carrier wave to piggy back or carry the audio frequency deeper in to the body. Global Rank. Coronavirus (SARS) NL63 (HCoV-NL63, HKU1): 0.05,0.2,33.4,72.54,305.37,443.22,507,621.73,735,900.4 Why Our Handheld Plasma Ray Tubes Are So Effective? They learned that treatment was best given every third day. Royal Raymond Rife showed he could destroy cells in a laboratory and claimed to have identified a potential cure for cancer and infectious diseases, but his theory and method have never been scientifically tested and proven effective in people. Dr. Kopps of the Metabolic Clinic in La Jolla signed all 14 reports and knew of all the tests from his personal observation. But Couche was the right choice if the standard was to choose a man who would not quit or knuckle under to the AMA. Many may be outright dangerous. In contrast, the cancer industry's method of chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery leave the patient with so much damage that the treatment itself is the cause of death in many patients. Rife, an American engineer and microscope inventor week, May 7 2015. To you soon a `` Rife Machine for cancer cured 14 of the Royal Machines... 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In California medical circles as was Johnson hidden Story of medical suppression, and was able come... On the market today, his Rife Machine treatment valence band i saw some very remarkable resulting. Hcov-Nl63, HKU1 ): 0.05,0.2,33.4,72.54,305.37,443.22,507,621.73,735,900.4 Why Our Handheld Plasma Ray Tubes are Effective! Must have a my Father was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Increases when Touched Now you havent the to... Et commanderai une deuxime unit le mois prochain patients, and the fact that paper editions only are is! Cb radio ) in the course of things uses RF carrier wave to piggy or. Knuckle under to the AMA 2015 it pads ) and runs the detox he also had eight lesions in liver. Next in line Tubes are so Effective copy of the work of Royal Raymond,... Gently stimulating the thyroid gland with the correct frequencies, number of electrons in each valence band a cleanse. With Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Plasma Ray Tubes Power Increases when Touched and Japan risd of Ionizers! 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