It gave us a fantastic view of the entire island, but it also gave the people below a view up my shorts and see what I had done in my underwear. There were even times people commented on how nice I smelt which was rather odd considering what was in my underwear. I had never felt so scared and humiliated in my life. Maybe it started as a simple fun blast from the past the first time, then she decided since she was getting so much attention it was fun to repeat it. It was so embarassing to still be doing it in junior high and having to wear pull ups to school. That was until we were on a tour of an old mine in a town near to where we were staying. (and 2 more) 1 reply. I'm sure you'll find a hello james. I almost died of embarrassment. Physically speaking, how did you poop in each other's pants? This will get most of the moisture out of your pants and/or underwear. 1) impossible. like you i loved playing on my own and the majority of my time was spent in my room on my own playing with lego, pokeman cards, knex, or toy cars. An inspection showed the . When You Poop Your Pants As An Adult. I know I behaved badly that day, and I thoroughly Call the pediatrician and take care of this. Up until then and like you I believed I was the only one on earth my age that did it. She told me she had the same problem when she was my age and did it just as much as me. I don't think you were being silly, like you I frequently soiled my pants at home while engrossed in playing some solitary game. Also it would have been really embarrassing for all concerned if neighbours or friends had turned up unexpectedly and discovered that I'd pooed my pants when I was well past potty training age.I have heard of parents being advised to leave their children in soiled pants as a deterrent against having future accidents, and even an advice column advocating making a child wear the same soiled pants day after day. Yes i pee my pants all the time - it is your own choice if you think it is okay or not 50 3 Amelia Crouse Author has 193 answers and 1.4M answer views 1 y Related Have you ever pooped or peed your pants? It's VERY common at this age, and when this happens, they CAN'T control what comes out when. Going unnoticed at school or out places on the weekend made me feel like I was in control of my situation, but it also made it a lot worse.,,,,,, Going to the toilets when we got to our location seemed pointless and my secret appeared to be safe. In fact, I hardly ever used the toilets at school, even to pee. The problem with that was those opportunities almost always seemed to be during class or while I was out doing something on the weekend. A member of staff would clean you as a ten anger ? There are so many similarities with yourself and others. My phobia with public toilets was also part of my decision not to go, but the main reason was the challenge to keep my secret. Hi Anonymous,When you say the reason I pooed my pants was very naughty. I definitely didn't like using the toilets at school but I'm not sure exactly where that fear started. Quora User Author has 5.5K answers and 817.3K answer views 6 mo "Would you poop your pants on purpose?" Really? Without going into too much detail, I want to know if other kids do or have done this as well. task and my mother decided that I would need a bath. Indeed, I was treating my underwear like it was a nappy. She didn't discipline me as such but would certainly try and discourage me verbally. Sally's mother asked and Sally replied, "Mum, I've pooped my pants and there's more coming", so the car stopped very quickly and we both ran to the woods, behind a tree, and I helped Sally lower her track pants and red panties, before lowering my own jeans and underwear, and we both squatted side by side, holding hands as mud flowed out of our bowels. However, after I had been changed it was nice to be back in clean pants and to be able to put my latest accident behind me. 15 "I Pooped My Pants As An Adult" Stories Guaranteed To Make You Laugh. soiled himself as having filled his pants. Home / Uncategorized / why would a 12 year old poop his pants. It was quite a confusing time thinking I was the only one my age still pooing their pants. Kids, too . The correct answer is: True. Another guy told about how he pooped himself three times when he was at the arcade, and made a big stink in the whole place! Like you I also didnt mind wearing my dirty underwear until just before bedtime. If you're not diligent about getting them to use the bathroom when they need to go, they may think it's okay just to go in their pants. that wasnt until quite a while after, so I supposed she was waiting to see what I did to resolve my situation, which was nothing. Pin for Later: Megan Stetzel Megan is a girl that shouldn't travel. It was one of the only times she threatened to put me into diapers, but I somehow knew she wasnt serious. The loads in my underwear were always quite large and that was something I was quite conscious of. Ruby Coles, who received an honors bachelor of social work, admitted she . We didnt get to go on many, so I was excited from the moment I woke up that morning. If I couldnt find somewhere private to go I just held it in even when I knew what was probably going to happen. And yes, he also had many instances of 'streaky underwear' but we didn't put that and the stomach ache together. ), Help with Potty Trained 3.5 Yo Girl That Suddenly Is Having "Accidents". I pooped in my pants frequently from age 5 all the way up to 14. remember being bored during the whole of my childhood, I could always find The only time I was tempted to intentionally wet myself was the one time that I accidentally had a full bowel movement in my pants at school. yes a member of staff would help to clean me up afterwards. I basically wasnt allowed boxers until I stopped pooing my pants. Then came the smell, everyone covering their nose and asking who farted or crapped themself, and you know it was you! James did ever get your nose rubbed in it. I'm not sure that anyone outside my family knew that I had frequent poo accidents. It gave me control over my situation and liked that sense of being in control of something. I loved the long summer Yes, I can remember withholding once when I was right outside the bathroom because I did not want to stop what I was doing. Unfortunately, that was most of his relations that had gone with us. Only really bad incident I remember was in year 6 when we had a supply teacher. Then, the colon can't easily push the hard poop out, and it's painful to . She almost full on crapped in her underwear and then sat in it for 3 hrs. I suspect that I wouldn't have deliberately wet myself if I had needed to pee that day, I would probably have gone to the toilet, then carried on playing in messy underwear afterwards. Get her to the doctor. On the day at my grandmother's house I was already messy, so it was too late to avoid a scolding and an embarrassing clean-up.Like you, I also spent a lot of time playing on my own in my bedroom, and until my 8th birthday, had a lot of accidents at home as well as when out. Jody, your post and all its comments are a truly useful resource of thoughts on the subject and I hope you will all be able to look back at this poo dilemma as a "brief moment . I was small for my age and a late bloomer which probably contributed to this. Generate leads, increase sales and drive traffic to your blog or website. This is . If she has held her poop in the past, it's possible that her rectum has lost its feeling and she doesn't know WHEN she has pooped. My kids never did stuff like that for attention - so I can't comment on that. I'll never forget the girl who pooped herself while running in remote Cambodia or the guy who had to find a plastic bag to go in on the side of the highway (guess that's better than pooping your pants). how many other people apart from your mum and family knew about your poo problem? Hi again Anonymous, How did you find out about the support group, were you told to attend, or did you find out yourself? Indeed, as I wrote in another post, just seeing a little girl in my nursery class being changed out of messy underwear made me feel better about myself for a short time.I'm intrigued to know what happened on this holiday you mention, especially as my final, and most embarrassing accident, happened on a holiday when I was 11. First take her to the pediatrician & have I am sure that this must have made you feel less alone with your problem. A how comedy video that is definitely one of the funny videos 201. This will likely assist hold your rectum muscle mass tense.Keep away from squatting. I remember going home that day feeling better than I had in a long time but couldnt tell anyone why. I often wet myself a bit from waiting too long or being too embarrassed to ask. Like usual it was extremely firm but keeping it secret was going to be a challenge. Just wondering if your Mum took you from shop to shop in dirty pants. 1). I ended up having to attend an after-school support group for boys with soiling problems. Newswise "Do you poop your pants?" is a question few physicians ask their adult patients, but one that Dana Hayden, MD, colorectal surgeon at Loyola University Health . why would I go to the toilet and do my poo there if I can crouch down and poo my pants and carry on playing. CALMLY talk to her. My son has sensory issues and had encoperisis. Girl pooping in her pants. Stop punishing her and assuming she's doing it to piss you off. Stop that. The shortage of blood circulation to the intestinal system could cause lots of disruptions to regular operate. humiliating half-hour bus ride home in my soiled pants, absolutely reeking of The Science . Obviously, shitting your pants is gross. Yes. My son went every day, like clockwork. Yesterday at 12:46 PM. Walk up to it and point the stain towards the air. Adults assume that children have the vocabulary to communicate these concepts. That was only around 930am and we hadnt even finished the first of a full day of events, we were also going to a BBQ that afternoon at one of the relatives houses. Underwear which has been both pooped and peed in is particularly horrendous, and, of course, your pants (trousers to Brits like me) would have been wet as well. They probably thought boys would be too embarassed to discuss these issues in front of women. . did not sell cheap underwear in those days, so throwing out my pants everytime Paula Radcliffe at first of the 2005 London Marathon. That became my challenge, but it also meant I started doing it intentionally. Show more Show more Master. But many kids beyond the age of toilet teaching (generally older than 4 years) who soil their underwear have a condition known as encopresis (en-kah-PREE-sis). Three of these occasions were in our van. I think there was some connection between the two, but more from the ridicule and embarrassment of being known for sucking my thumb. her seen/tested. Whereas athletes in different sports activities have reportedly handled in-game mud butt, most attribute it to meals poisoning or sickness. panties. did not think of the consequences of my actions. were you changed in school? "JULIA!! It was a good thing there was no-one in the next garden looking over, or He does have some medical "stuff" that may have caused that issue to take a little longer to resolve than it did in some other kids, but at 4, it was about beating Dad at the potty power struggle at least 90% of the time. Hi James, I think your first theory has some relevance as it made me feel in control. Shrug and then say, "I think you should start helping wash the poopy clothes though - you are old enough to know better, and it's not fair that I have to wash your poopy pants when pooping in your pants is your choice.". My name is Erin, and I pooped my pants. A quick conversation at the door was good enough and meant I didnt have to waste time cleaning up. I have often thought how great it would have been as a child if I'd had a friend, boy or girl, who also had toilet issues whom I could have played with without fear of being teased or laughed at if I'd had an accident. Hi jason. Explanation: Passing a large stool can stimulate the vagus nerve, that, among other functions, connects the gut to the brain. i soiled until the age of 14. reading your blog has been very interesting as it has allowed me to look anther persons experience of soiling. I got so good at hiding my secret I hung out with my friends directly after school and on the weekends. She was also directing her suspicions at my friends younger family members. I think that we were very similar, as I also always avoided using the toilets at school or as a child when I was younger and often ended up with soiled pants as a result. leaving my bottom and entering my underwear. Instead I decided to push the extremely big hard logs into my underwear. I may have welcomed the security they offered, but it would have been very embarrassing if the other kids in my class had seen them, such as when we got changed for PE. It was during that walk home I made the very conscious decision to get good at keeping it secret. I was always extremely constipated so going to the toilet and trying to do it seemed pointless. We answer your top questions about the flu vaccine. When I tried to go at home nothing happened, or it hurt too much, so I usually just ignored what my body was telling me. I could never really explain myself and I understand why she took that approach. then instead of witholding i would crouch down and slowly push all of the poo out until i was sure i was finished. Then, give her some special one-on-one time. I knew the tour still had a while to go and I was familiar with what was going to happen if I didnt take the opportunity to do it. they would have seen a strange sight, an 8 year old boy crouching down and One of them was during a Christmas party at a local park. was a good job that I did not also need a wee that afternoon or I probably If you asked me at the time if I was doing it intentionally, I would have disputed it but in reality, I was, especially during high school. of course she doesn't have an answer, and when you are a small small person being confronted by looming adults who are clearly 'extremely upset' because of your inability to control a bodily function, what are you supposed to do? I agree, habits can be very hard to break. At least brifs contain the feces almost like a diaper.sometimes I wore two pairs.I remember walking through the hallway in 7th grade and pooping a big log into my underwear as I walked. She's not an adult. It may happen if, as a parent, you are not strict on the use of the potty. Once I finally mastered keeping my underwear clean, I began to feel very confident and was quite proud of myself. Anus is the future and every man on this planet has shit in ther pants I mean you have to appreciate the difference of rise off shit that every man has. It completely changed my image of him. I always denied in class and at home that Id had an accident and regularly had my pants pulled down / waistband pulled back to check. Shes older than I am and was unkind to me growing up because of this issue I was potty trained by 18 months, but in year 1 at primary I began to be embarrassed about the toilet and withhold until it was too late. One thing you could control was where you excreted when you felt the need, either in the toilet or in your underwear. If you were upset it probably means that things were happening that were beyond your control. Dont Poop Your Pants! learn one. An example of that was during the drive to one of her end of year work parties. While I was playing I felt the need to poo again. I also had an amazing imagination. The other embarrassing thing for me was that I only wore briefs when everybody else at high school was in boxers. !!!!! I'm not sure how I would have felt if I had worn them. These are complex concepts for children to associate with a behavior. It seems that we were similar in a lot of ways, I started soiling because I thought that I could make the feeling of needing to poo go away without going to the toilet. She seemed to know what I was going through and her admission she knew my person experience made me feel great. deliberately messing himself. Other kids would notice and grass to the teacher when Id pooed my pants, but I dont remember being bullied for it. A baby does so because of lack of self control and because he/she can't help it, I can't see a correlation between babies/infants and adults. I didn't have wetting accidents as a child and I'm sure I would not have enjoyed the feeling of pee pouring down my legs in addition to the constant feeling of soiled pants. i would repeat the process until i was very desperate. would not now do so, as this would result in my accident being quickly This is the second three-day period in which he decided to quit using the potty. My daughter recently turned 5 and has been potty trained since she was 2 1/2 & fully trained thru the night by 3 1/2. Hi Anonymous, Thats a feeling I can I understand.As I got older, I was very aware no one else was pooing in their pants as often as me. On impact, I instantly shit my pants. 1.87K subscribers Subscribe 4.5K Share Save 770K views 3 years ago Video. That was quite a while later and she questioned me why I hadnt bothers going to the toilet after and why it looked like I had done the entire load in my underwear. Going home to change usually meant a denial to go, so I virtually never did. a lack of water. Man, I would be PO'd too but I am wondering if she is just feeding off your reaction and the attention. hi james the blog is soo useful! Now I'm a grown man and I go around putting shit on people's doors steps and light it on fire. Fortunately for me she was very persistent and determined my underwear were going to stay clean all day. Get her to the doctor and get her checked out. Before you do the test you need to pee/poop at least a bit! That gave me the confidence I was going to be ok but the problem with that was I stopped thinking about what I was doing. my life, I pooed in my pants on purpose. The first place to turn to is your child's doctorshe can offer professional advice and rule out issues you may not see. For the first time ever I actually felt the poo I know that I was really lucky in avoiding major accidents at school and never having my pants checked by a teacher. Nothing that I think has changed around here so it cant be a change in schedule and we just got her report card from school that says shes doing amazing. Was allowing you to stay in messy underwear a way of avoiding dealing with the problem?I was never really disciplined or encouraged to stop, even when I was still doing it into my teens. Not wanting to stop playing when I was 3 was how I started withholding and soiling. When I got back to class, he had opened all the windows and was sitting at his desk giving me a serious look. Even with no large meal, the physique nonetheless secretes liters of fluid a day within the intestinal system, Dobson says. Luckily a dinner lady changed me at lunchtime. I would assume that because I couldnt smell it, nobody else could. 9 year old son always withheld his poo at school said that if he came home in dirty Conversely, unzipping or dropping your pants to deficate in public is illegal regardless of intent. I was found out twice and the rest of the time I either managed to hide it or if I was worried Id be found out I made an excuse to the nurse that I was ill and was always allowed to go home. I was almost 13 by the time I finally stopped pooping my pants. But I always managed to successfully hide them from being detected. The only Sort by: Hot. By the time I started high school I was doing it almost daily, yet I dont think my parents had any idea. This happened to me. It's good to be prepared just in case. I started washing my own clothes quite young and also used cologne long before any of my friends or classmates. Plzzz Heeeeeeelp! I dont remember what I said to her, but it couldnt have been very convincing because she said something like. When she first asked me, I acted like I didnt know what she was talking about, but she then told me how she knew. But its always exciting poop in pants outside from home. Did you like how it felt once it was finally in your underwear?. then i would put my hands down my troussers (not actually inside my pants) to see how i done in my pants. When most of the other boys were wearing boxers,i still wore briefs. She'll get tired of it real quick and don't give her any attention over it. Her comments made it clear she didnt want to be embarrassed and how I was going to be one of the oldest kids there. and my mother reprimanded me throughout the journey. The conventional vary for day by day pooping is from 3 times a day to as soon as each three days. I crouched down and added to the waste in my You can psychologically harm a child by doing something like that. It wasnt until I became interested in girls that I got more determined. But it turned out to be a really good group that taught us coping techniques and strategies to keep our underwear and pants clean. The fairly small back garden had no grass, few flowers and mostly My cheeks burned and I sweated with embarrassment, but I said no. After over 13 years in child care I can tell you that around this age kids poop and pee their pants for a while again. I was also convinced that I was the only kid my age who still pooed his pants. Later when we were back at the place, we were staying she questioned me again and again I couldnt explain my actions. I worked different machines about half hour poop in my pants. Some days it would be worse than others but either way I would just stay like that till hometime, praying that no-one would say anything!The same would apply when I was out with my mum, any soiling would be small bits at a time that wouldn't require immediate intervention, apart from one incident when I pooed myself in a supermarket - I tied my jumper around my waist to conceal it! Very common at this age, and you know it was extremely firm but keeping it secret was going and. Other embarrassing thing for me she was my age and a late bloomer which probably to. People apart from your mum and family knew that I got so good at keeping it secret mud,! She told me she was my age still pooing their pants, we on... The weekends decided to poop your pants on purpose the extremely big hard logs into my underwear were going to stay clean day! On many, so I was the only times she threatened to put me diapers. In it for 3 hrs going into too much detail, I hardly ever used the toilets when we to. 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