Same way you can think something is right and be wrong. your inability and/or unwillingness to suppose that the world is larger than you are, that God is larger than you are Sponsoring Registrar:Directi Internet Solutions d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.Com (R27-LROR) Tech Street3: (If hed meant for *all* of his followers to be able to bind and loose their own sins, he would have told the Disciples to tell them so. Face it, some folk get a kick out of kicking over ant hills. I would have to re-listen to the broadcast but I cant remember being impressed by your argument. Here is an excellent 17:21 minute video The Book of Shemaiah Lynchburger: I used to be so much where you are!! We still have recourse to mysticism, prayer, meditation, and personal sanctity. Turn on the smoke evacuation fans and get back to the issues. God is not impressed by sophistry and manipulative actions. Lane, examine the logical dependencies. You can go for this tattoo pictured above, which illustrates the literal meaning of both the symbols. Especially when a new Catholic like Dr Beckwith is involved you dont want to just let them throw mud at him. They laid their hands on them and they received the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:17) Im not to apt to jump on the conspiracy train as you are. You may be a fan of White who doesnt frequent is web site, or hasnt seen the relevant statement or just didnt absorb it, for that matter. Same way you can think something is right and be wrong. 1:11). lied. 4) To that end, everything that happens to James White reflects wonderfully on him and proves his case beyond a shadow of a doubt. What answers can be given except the councils, the fourth century, the documents from it, and the canon that we and you accept? First tell us, what race are the Germans? Simply Amazing. thread, it would be ridiculous for Catholic Answers to go to the extent of purchasing a domain name as just to trick the visitors into visiting since (1) it can appear as a negative point against these folks (2) it places too much importance on the likes of James White. In other words, even letting you HAVE the whole text and not arguing you over it, your conclusion is still false and it doesnt neccesarily varify the Roman view. I apologize, especially to Dr. White and to CareBear, for the heavy-handedness of my post above. Rather than deal with this, some play every which way but loose, even to the point of insinuating I did it. He was not amused at all and later ripped me up on his no comment blog. How is God glorified when you and Mother Church want the glory for yourselves? Lets step back and take a look at ourselves and make sure were doing it right in Gods eyes. If that mantle fell from the Germans onto another race it would be a welcome respite, but is that really the case? all of which you clearly demonstrated by your assumptions that Catholic Answer was behind that website. Its getting hot in here. Maccabees (II) one) have in fact already made the determination. Apologies for not being clearer in my statement earlier. I had a url. Esau- true. My original post was simple and direct to the correction at hand (His disciples were empowered.) It said nothing more than that. The cup of blessing that we bless, is it not the sharing of the blood of Christ? You are assuming that Catholic Answers is *stupid* and that is frankly offensive. Heisenburg, thats a nice thought. OK, let me see if I get what the White supporters are saying: Since Mr White has chosen to make the south end of a northbound horse out of himself, by posting the kind of garbage that would shame a longshoremanSince he has done this, after a zillion & a half other similar tricks, we all need to???? People did this to James White. Kindle Edition. Was the Quran Reliably Transmitted from the Prophet Muhammad? Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved. Although I think that Mr. White could find a use for one if he had a packet of pins handy. God made man in His own image. Were just happy to be there when God makes it happen. . You can apply any law you want, it doesnt mean its valid. I will not argue this point with him. Christ did not choose only one disciple. But Denniss post was measured and fair, and it is not helpful to discourse to resort to ridicule. Could Mary/Foxfire actually be right all along??? Hey, I know how you can tell if youve made a *really* good response! Jeff is a popular speaker for camps, conferences, churches & schools across the nation. Instead of addressing any of my comments, you go and reel off a series of questions that you say is from Whites site. Soon as White says Look, Im sorry Ill be cool with im. Soon as White says Look, Im sorry Ill be cool with im. You present two conclusions(1) Rome as theocratic capital of medieval Europe, and (2) Catholicism and Islam are theocratic equalsthat history does not support. That alone should be enough to appease some people but as of this writing, the pictures are still there. Oh, and your most recent comment: 18:18) Surely something must be visible to bind and loose, to be heard and obeyed. Either way, to go on like you do about Roman Catholics being compared to terrorists is fallacious, as has been illustrated and, regardless of your inability to accept the truth, be it intentional of unintentional, it is wrong for you (and Jimmy Akin) to continue purporting such a thing until you can successfully defend your assertion without presuming those things I outlined. IF he did it intentionally, that would make him a liar. As a former catholic, Evangelical, and a devoted follower of White- though we strongly disagree on the Calvinism vs. Arminianism issue.I wish to support his use of gallows humor to make a point. Sandy: Ill be praying for you. I might agree with some points he makes, but theyre overwhelmed by the mudslinging. Or, perhaps, like many people he is more polite in reality than online. Do the Catholic Churchs Teachings on Mary Constitute Authentic Christian Doctrine? Edward likened some Roman Catholics to a freakshow, as James White likened some Roman Catholics blind zealots. Because I dont really think its worth the time. Just in case Marys comment was not clear enough. GL, Brett Jesus forgave those who repented. Its all mathematical! I ask this with great personal fear, being myself guilty. Characterize it pejoratively as such a thing fits the logic and attitude of the mob though Theoretically, wouldnt God perfectly intend for us to know, oh say, the Canon of Scripture if indeed Scripture was to be our sole Authority? Tech Postal Code:92517 Somehow, I see visions of Wyle Coyote and a steamroller. Esau, It was obvious from the start. Thank you Carebear and friends, and God bless you all. Or are you so wrapped up with your infatuation for James White that you didnt even pay attention to certain particulars which have clearly gone above your head! Of course the reverse can also be true: Holy Christians, holy Catholics are the only unanswerable argument for Christianity and the Catholic Church. 1) Believe in secret, private revelation. BTW, you may not have noticed, but the post you refer to is a copy of a post to this web site. Especially noting that Jimmy acknowledges if he misspeaks. 3. Matthew. Maybe you were under the impression that you were going to be in a safe place to just share your journey and not be challenged? hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful I pay that much for a paperback. Perhaps its the dark heart of the matter. I think here we misunderstand both the fundamental essence of the Word of God and infallibility. CareBear, GOD knows who did it, but one thing can be certain, NO PROTESTANT would go through such extremes let alone steer folks to Catholic Answers.. Or did James White merely find a convenient way to win a debate without ever having to defend a word he says by posting these pictures and the other tactics he has relied on in his debate with Beckwith? For men, such a design would look amazing on their chest, as pictured, or even on their back. (Eric)I respect Akin but I do feel he misdirected people away from the tough theological questions. Mary, The Catholic Church has always distinguished between the Kingdom of Heaven and that of Man. No such sign was given to the dead hierarchy of Jesus day but the resurrection of Jesus Himself, and it is still the best expression of why primitive, authentic Christianity cannot be equated to a particular denomination. That is a . He answered: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and, Love your neighbor as yourself. To find the answer to that, first, it is essential for you to understand the alpha omega tattoo meaning. What Does a Christian Need to Know About Islam? This is why the same man who wants you to call him Dr. when he doesnt have a real doctorate, wants you to declare his photo-shopped pics humorous when anyone with good sense will see that they are borne of animus and not levity. This is the water cooler where people chat with each other about whatever theyve a mind to. Your original question was why we go to Priests to have our sins loosed. Sola Scriptura is Scripture used as the sole measure of faith. As for my depth of study in church history (including the Father), I consider it sufficient to justify the statements I am making. The interlocutors then say that they just cant continue the conversation under those Else Ill stop bothering to respond with actual information and just point you to documents of the Early Fathers, the Catechism, and books by various Catholic Apologists. Well, thats true enough in its own way. Your post, Mr. Smart, is disgusting for the same reason. Just because Dr. White may personally see his pictures as levity and humorous sarcasm, in a Christian sense, he is If you have a productive discussion point, then please state it. (As the first was originally titled fatwa, after the Salman Rushdie fatwa the photographed people were celebrating). Please give a specific example. Stop twisting things. Theo. Revised Standard Version 1947, 1952. I would simply point out that the changes to the pictures maintain the theme of attempting to bring death. I respectfully disagree with Jimmy. By their fruits you will know them. When was it considered a conspiracy to figure that a url belonged to the site it directed to? one King James Bible Only preacher who teaches Lordship Salvation. Bowing out. The Apostles were empowered by our Saviour to forgive sins: Why not just say, God did it, since to attribute Gods work to mans work is unbiblical. But if it is legitimate to say that God used the distinctive personalities and historical circumstances of these figures to communicate his truth, then something can be both 100% Gods doing and human beings cooperate. Registrant Street2: Rather than deal with this, some play every which way but loose, even to the point of insinuating I did it. Certainly not a serious one. Such humor detracts from any reasonable discussion, and if Jimmy thinks its useless to continue discussing things with White, thats his prerogative. You insist that it neccessitates the rejection of the FACT that God used the councils to establish the canon of the Church. Im quite disappointed I read the whole thing and the Rejoice! gnostic-troll didnt show up. Do Catholics get better seats in heaven than the Protestants? your inability and/or unwillingness to recognize that your perceptions may be filterd by a bias, Salesman: Uh, I think maybe the guy who installed my countertops. My identity does not derive from protesting against someone elses errors. Mike, Ive used gallows humor myself. Esau there was a BIG burst of the nasty spam, and it was most of the links in the little recent post sidebar. I chose this because it was handy.]. Chuckto the extent charity isnt shown to Dr. White, Id agree. You just dont want to go there. Further, most laws we know of in advocacy and argumentation is made-up; yet, that doesnt mean they do not apply. Greek Latin Roots - by james.r.hendricks.390 - Memrise Symbol For Alpha Alpha And Omega Symbols Alpha Et Omega Patricia Briggs Samoan Tattoo I Tattoo Hebrew Tattoo Ankle Tattoo Alpha Omega Tattoo More information. I would like to know why you find it more unreasonable to go to the disciple of the disciple of the one chosen by Christ himself Jesus says, And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins, and we also forgive everyone who sins against us. Thats everyone, anyone and anything. I dont have to post a point-by-point case on James Whites innocence in the Beckwith debate because that has absolutely nothing to do with Jimmy Akin and 20 Roman Catholic fanbois getting their toes stepped on via a couple of pictures that accurately display their childish, hypocritical attitudes. Esau, I cannot speak to Jimmys motives, but in my opinion the outrage is convenient in that it allows a clean break while simultaneously indicting James White. . The numerous innuendos .and other non-substantive attacks on White posted here and elsewhere do not reflect an effort to love, only to discredit. On IRC he would have the cult of White; he would tell people no one can beat him in debate. I point out the way. According to you, Carebear was proclaiming someones innocence. refusals by his opponents to address his unassailable points. I am a theorist I merely analyze humor he has to consider its impact. I've noticed that nearly all the You can observe for yourself how this ruse was initiated from start. alleges that critics of Lordship Salvation don't believe repentance is necessary for salvation. Why would I have to? How do I know his motivations? Bible Versions: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (Parts 1 and 2) (28,3,4), Examining Muslim Apologetics (Part Two): Unusual Attacks on the Trinity, Examining Muslim Apologetics (Part One): The Bible Versus the Quran, Dangerous Airwaves: Harold Campings Call to Flee the Church, The Divine Sovereignty-Human Responsibility Debate (Part Two), The Divine Sovereignty-Human Responsibility Debate (Part One), Pro and Con: Two Journal Contributors Respond to the Joint Declaration of Justification by Ralph E. Mackenzie and James R. White, Beyond the Veil of Eternity: The Importance of Philippians 2:5-11 in Theology and Apologetics, Target, Bible: A Flood of Books Attack the Sufficiency of Scripture, Summary Critique: Jehovahs Witnesses Defended, The Jesus Seminar and the Gospel of Thomas: Courting the Media at the Cost of Truth, Effectively Sharing the Deity of Christ with Jehovahs Witnesses, Of Cities and Swords: The Impossible Task of Mormon Apologetics, Is Your Modern Translation Corrupt? On the other hand, I am happy that White and friends characterize Catholic converts as being emotionally driven because I have lived so much of my life being accused of the exact opposite. In Your precious Name I pray, Lord Jesus. That could describe you too Mary Kay. There it says punishment is sufficient, now forgive. Why dont YOU call them up Churchmouse, as youre the one who had the questions? Considering his peers here though he is heads and shoulders above them. How can the priest know that Ive really done so? He (Dr Beckwith) repeatedly (two out of three aint bad) left his readers/listeners with the distinct impression that he had not read Trent until recently and insulted his former Lutheran professors by indicating they had led him to expect: to read this sort of horrible document, you know, requiring people to stick pins in their eyes, you know, and flagellate themselves, you know, White claims that the photos were a humorous way to make a point. Including documented wars and death and torture. Benigne dicis. Heh i will say this in favor of cbs whites book excerpts: Barry- youre really grasping at straws. Grab your Bible and your note pad and come along! It has to have sufficient relation to have set it up to do that. Where do we see that Pilot and Herod who falsely judged him, the Roman soldiers who executed him, the crowd of witnesses who called, Crucify him!, the leaders who plotted to arrest and try him, or those who falsely testified against him first said, Sorry Jesus.? I have done the same with James White and from my observations he shows the traits of someone with severe control issues. Registrant Street3: We also acknowledge that reason apart from faith is useless. Dr. White has lost due to an abigious law listed on wikipedia. Finally, look to what this self-important, supposed Master of Logic said concerning the controversial url: Posted by: Foxfier | Aug 14, 2007 1:10:05 PM Except White did not call all Roman Catholics Islamic Terrorists so yes, Akin jumped the gun and acted irresponsibly. (CatholicWayne). I have to say that I dont think comparing People who both have an irrational mindset that sees the enemy behind every bush (no pun intended) is invalid. Uhh, foxfier, again..category error. CB, Sandy, Gwen and the others have a filter through which they view the church, church history, and arguments against the church. As Ive stated previously: There, we finally come to the point Ive been hoping to reveal all along Something to keep his mind occupied from the horror. The comparison was made between those who are asking for a charitable attitude from Mr. White, yet do not display it themselves. ASU is a Pac 10 school. The Word of God is eternal, and Gods own self-knowledge, the knowledge of the Word inclusive, is eternal as well. Do you have any clue how petty this makes you sound? The question is, why would an OSAS Protestant care about the defection of one person to Catholicism? is counted for righteousness. Out of your long post, I found the following nugget of gold that cuts through everything else here and goes to the heart of the matter. All someone has to do is know the URL of the site they wish to forward to. For what its worth, is registered to an anonymous user of, as of 6 days ago. I am an expert in humor and its analysis and I am speaking within my field of competence. 2023 Alpha and Omega Ministries. A true gnostic could never believe in things like holy water, regenerative baptism, the eucharist, and confession. Peter Stravinskas and Bill Rutland should, under penalty of excommunication, never be allowed to interpret the bible publically again, Tim Staples should never be allowed to speak in public,Gary Michuta should do nothing but sit in an infallible silence and on and on. I am not a protestant. I am not a Catholic. This is a rather convient way to win a debate without ever having to defend a word you say You are wrong. Jimmy never said anything to the effect of neener, neener, but I do agree with him asking friends of Mr. White to explain why his actions are inappropriate, since he MIGHT be more liable to take their words to heart. Foxfier: it seems like convenient outrage. Yes, I think there is something here, and its not just among the supporters of Jimmy and James; it begins at the top. Or perhaps the collective memory/prejudice of us protestants is holographicly generating the artifacts of history in question and we will all be saved once we realize it never happened after all. and the vitriol (no one can argue the level of hatred) expressed towards Jesus wants me to be rich. The wholly holy get the better seats Those 8 questions belong are enough for several threads. Thats painfully difficult to square with a heretofore-unrevealed admiration for any aspect of the mans argument. James used to be an Elder at my church, and I've discussed the issue with him several times in the past. However, no matter how infallible God is, us men are fallible. Through the church, couldnt tell you the location and Id be interested to see your answer, and to the church yet again. Fallacious though that may sound. Also, there is some point of Catholic history not allowing religious liberty and actually persecuting or killing people. AT LEAST HE ALLOWS PEOPLE TO DISAGREE WITH HIM PUBLICLY. Thank you Dale Carebear and Lane, Posted by: Jeremiah | Aug 9, 2007 7:41:30 PM all of which you clearly demonstrated by your assumptions that Catholic Answer was behind that website. In the beginning God created heaven, and earth. They are compromised and pulling on the same rope as the Devil. You have a different (although overlapping) list of books that you say was divinely inspired. Eph 4:14: Sorry, Im not dead set on assuming the conclusion that they were wrong when I dont find them wrong in the first place. I dont expect any of you know me (from blogging, that is), but I just wanted to add a thought here. Esau, (Actually said by an Fine. Could someone enlighten me? Alpha & Omega 115 Trucker Hat. Rather than engage the *real issues* in this whole debate, such as the arguments Dr. White has presented to Dr. Beckwith against certain Roman Catholic doctrines, everyone has decided to focus on two pictures and a mans character. This was one of the hardest parts for me in my conversion. How do you know that those books are, in fact, Scripture? You have to expect to encounter such things with fallen human nature what it is. For anything that I have said here, a Roman Catholic has said something the same or much worse, and I dont consider anything Ive said here to be bad. And I cannot believe that Christians are defending those caricatures of Catholics as insane people who, if they disagree with you would riot, and cause physical harm to you. Perhaps the example of the schoolyard bully whos parents can never admit their little Johny could ever do anything wrong would have been less offensive but the point would be the same. My identity is bound up with Christ and the people of Christ, whoever they are, wherever they may be found, not in some dead hierarchy. Ill fix your quote for you. We dont *care* what you want to do to slander someone who actually has enough class to make an impassioned, rational speech. Indeed, will He not exercise just as much divine power in establishing and fufilling His purpose for the Scriptures (their functioning as a guide to the church) as He has in inspring them? w00t! Keep your fallacy out of my doctrine if you dont want my logic in your Church. Dude, you are *really* reaching. CareBear: Oh, and Daisy, while I appreciate the Biblical quotes, you really need to do two things: 5. In Numbers 21:4-9, the people complained and died when snakes bit them. But I would ask you to consider, carefully, what you say. Jeff co-hostsApologia Radioand Apologia TV, both of which garner followers throughout the US and internationally. Where have you been? I have a question Matthew, if the Catholic church is salvation through Christ, why must one confess to a Catholic priest to recieve absolution? If you are looking for a graceful design with intricate detailing, then a tattoo like this might be it for you. Where does it say in the Bible that the Canon of the Bible (which books belong in the Bible and which dont) has been divinely revealed? In fact, on the record of history, one can argue that the Reformed screaming Catholicism = Islam are engaged in projection. unkind, nor do I have anything personal against James White. He has argued that the King James version has multiple translation errors. Just as no sensible person would read tabloids for serious news (even if serious news were in fact printed in them), I dont think White should be taken seriously as an apologist (even if his serious work is very good, which it may be for all I know) until he can figure out how to have conversations without making his opposing parties angry at him. And take his blog as it isself-centered, gospel-blurring invective. Theres a huge difference between that and the childish, tantrum-like posting of photos that are an angry lashing out. Maybe it was from the rioting about the cartoons. Did you not even remember your post???? On the one hand you are right that theological and ecclesiological issues are very important, and it would be wrong for an apologist to always pick out personal or rhetorical flaws in their opponent to avoid debate on the real issues. If you are in a church that uses multiple Bible versions, get out of I pretty much agree with My Cats Name is Lily (maybe Methodist minds think alike?when did that start?). Mary: Can you say the same for White supporters? I was addressing the Roman Catholic apologetics community. Hence, White has lost his mind when it comes to this. Reality. Comparing foaming-at-the-mouth bronze age fanatics to Catholics who disagree with him is completely absurd. That it neccessitates the rejection of the Word inclusive, is it not sharing. Was made between those who are asking for a paperback mans argument do things... That you say is from Whites site were james white alpha omega tattoo. conspiracy to figure that url! 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