Raynor v. Crane, CGC-17-556713 was dismissed November 8, 2018. His prior practice, Brownstein & Crane Surgical Services, seems to be out of business. Let me say this should you ever be in Montreal you are welcome in my home anytime. Any surgon can perorm them. Having seen the photos of what Dr Curtis Crane has done to my friends arm, that arm will never recover, believe that Dr Curtis Crane should stop performing phalloplasty. Part 3 is here. Let me tell you something Noah, you dont want someone to get a Phallo because of something as ignorant as what you just stated. 1. Im sorry but you are wrong, this surgery is still in the experimental stage and it has a 67% chance for complication. I wonder how much Crane payed him to air this? Other very famous / popular surgeons operate in countries where its harder to bring medical mal-practice suits like Serbia. (in this vid and reading the lawsuits) was how horribly crane and his team responded to obvious surgical problems. Swelling was massive the first few days but that starts to go down. Suffice it to say that I wish we had gone to someone else. Third in a series. An educated guess, but Crane is probably performing more surgeries of this nature than most, if not all other surgeons in the usa, so his likelihood for being sued / fail rate, is probably higher. Shepherd v. Crane, CGC-17-559294, dismissed October 3, 2018. Celeb trans kids: Will the Gender Fairy bring dreamsor genital surgery nightmares? San Francisco phalloplasty surgeon, Curtis Crane, M.D., continues his odyssey through the San Francisco court system. In other words, it does not appear that an independent arbiter has reviewed the facts of these cases and ruled on whether the care provided either complied, or did not comply, with established standards of care. This is not surprising, since over 90% of all medical malpractice cases never go to trial. I'm talking, like, you'd be waiting until at least 2019 to have surgery. Since our initial post about Dr. Crane and his legal troubles, one of the lawsuits that was then pending against him has apparently been settled, and two more have been filed.This brings to a total of eight the number of times that Dr. Crane has now been sued for medical . I couldn't believe he didn't interrupt me once! Those of us who had surgery with Dr Crane from 2014-2016 can say without a shadow of a doubt, that he did in fact state he had a less than 5% complication rate. Transpeople have got to be lowest on the totem-pole for any type of funded medical research. Ms out of pocket expenses pale in comparison to the price tag for the surgery performed by Dr. Crane, however, which was approved by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-term Care in the amount of $126,508. So, yes. Phalloplasty is a type of surgery to repair or construct a penis. Its impossible to know. The fact that he insists that he never said that is a complete lie and its a slap to the face for many of us who believed in him, his confidence, his cool, calm, and collected demeanor as he would go through his spiel. As I understand the objections to our coverage, they seem, first, to stem from a misapprehension (perhaps willful) of the purpose of medical malpractice law. Your comments are far far far more dangerous than any of the others on this site. People are oddly protective of these surgeons. You call them hysterical when confronted with medical disasters (yikes, pretty gendered there!) (uro-genital surgeon); Gabriel Kind, M.D. In my opinion he should not have a medical license. I think its good that youve published this research. Its not clear when Dr. Santucci joined Dr. Cranes practice, but he does not appear to have been part of the earlier Brownstein-Crane incarnation: Not to worry, though: Dr. Safir remains busy in San Francisco. If your comment makes accusations against someone, please substantiate your allegations with source links. Since this surgery, the plaintiff has had two more surgeries, with other doctors, to obtain a larger scrotum, but they have both been unsuccessful. dr. Crane practices in California because you are only allowed to sue him one year from initial incident. A few points on your response. Im very happy that Cayden has been able to move on and build a new life. We know no one is god. Since 2012, Dr. Crane and his team have performed more than 600 Phalloplasty surgeries. Fourth in our series featuring Dr. Curtis Crane, phalloplasty surgeon. This is a crucial distinction. In and of itself, this is not surprising. Again, though, the question naturally arises should the practitioners in this field be immune from liability, because the over-riding need for care is so great? I am ontrack to be scheduled with crane and now i am strongly reconsidering my choice of surgeon. The main overall complaint I've heard from people is that he tends to be very optimistic when he talks with patients especially about post-op issues - this has led to some folks not realizing that something was as serious an issue as it was. FTMs need to wake up and realize the only time the news media is interested in them is if the are pregnant men. Please, FTMs, take care of yourselves and look out for each other. Thats it for our legal update, but for those of us who are interested in Dr. Crane and his business model, there have been some additional developments. What is the story behind Dr. Cranes relocation to Texas? So, these kind of replys hit the internet and it makes the people that are concerned stop being concerned. Another trans old school friend of mine attempted suicide after going trans. He is brutal and refuses to admit you back into the hospital. I wonder how this doctor is able to continue his practice if he maxed out his liability insurance. Most recently, Dr. Crane moved to have the complaint dismissed on various grounds and on February 14 of this year he lost that motion. I wish for healing for both you and your husband, and that he is able to receive competent care in the future. Ive not had surgery with Crane but I have met with him twice while accompanying a friend who has had 2 successful surgeries with him. The authors go on to feature the history of other such media-driven plagues. Fascinating and disturbing. I think thats cool you like your phallo, but if u havent gotten one and you are saying this thats dangerious. Im not sure. Theres a handful of surgeons who have decided (for whatever reasons) to focus on us and we know that we are all guinea pigs as they do their best efforts to hone their craft in a field where theres no text books or formal education. I wish we had seen this before my husbands surgery. iv been in this long b4 the transtrender movement, so i know what you mean about back around 2013 it being very limited to find a surgeon, but now there seems to be so many hoping on it for the $$ its hard to even know where to look. But the Portuguese teens were not medically castrated or had their breasts cut off, or were put on hormones for the rest of their lives, as consequence. I have been doing YouTube videos I think I will go public with it all. One more thing. Perhaps that doesnt pay so well. At one time I was doing some research on transgender murder victims for something I was writing. This just strikes me as something to say rather than attempting to engage in any way with the substance. Some commentators argue that keeping medical malpractice settlement amounts confidential hurts the public: Secret nondisclosure agreements also affect patient safety by allowing bad doctors and other dangerous medical providers to continue to harm patients because their incompetency is hidden from their present and future patients and employers. I totally agree with you about the fake trans women and to a much lesser degree trans men. Each time a see new critical review a day or so later their is a raving A++ looks suspicious, Ive had surgery with guy and I dont believe ANYONE that surgery with him would be raving, I havent met one yet. For the record, I have seen people on r ftm and Tumblr blogs discuss medical malpractice freely: I firmly believe medical malpractice concerning transgender surgery is an area that needs more oversight and exposure as a whole. There is no trial date set for this matter. We dont publish comments which spread suicide contagion and/or misleading information about suicidality. I am with you brother in every sense, email me scottnewgent@gmail.com I am not afraid of the tomatoes to be thrown and am and will take on this fight for us all! The amount paid in settlement of such a claim is confidential virtually 100% of the time. In 2014, M came under the care of Dr. Curtis Crane. Phallo is for bottom feeding surgeons like Dr. Crane that arent good at anything to make a fortune. I know this sounds like sort of an obvious comment, but if there were some operation that could give the patient a larger, fully-functioning penis, it would have been available to men a LONG time ago. I think thats more to do with the fact that they were misgendered for a long time, which implies justification for their murder, and appears to deliberately disrespect them, its victim blaming almost. Not entirely, you can have the Phallos or Penis removed, but you have a vagiasectomy to get this procedure doneNo more Vagina..Its a horrible surgery and should be illegal or this Surgeon should have his medical license removed. No doubt this all feels very real. So is it the case that calling attention to any victims of misbehavior or wrong-doing is pimping them out? How so? Its harmful to minimize it. The truth always.. Thank you for contributing to our discussion. Carson v. Crane, CGC-17-556743 was dismissed October 10, 2018. It may be that Jacobs transgender story will, at some point, go dark. The issue is that the State of California only allows ONE year from the date of INITIAL incident to sue for medical malpractice. No. Research has revealed some interesting facts and circumstances about Dr. Crane. Its harmful saying that this surgery is experimental and dangerous. Yes. Trial is set for June 24, 2019. SAN FRANCISCO The patient of a San Francisco County physician alleges he was injured because of a surgical procedure. It is definitely worth a read! Apparently not. I was actually the one to email you when you posted. Your comments are so dangerous, if you have never had a phallo, you dont have a right to say anything. He sounds like an opportunist preying on a vulnerable community, spouting this tired old gender nonsense. May 11, 2022 . We dont opt in to be disrespected, denied access and bullied by assholes. Susans Place, a major resource page for transgender people to connect and share resources, has a thread on Dr. Crane which contains only praise and, again, no mention of the extensive legal history cited above. IMHO, the silence is partially due to not wanting to out transgender surgeries as dangerous (surgeons must to keep that lucrative wheel generously greased), and partially because FTMs (female-to-male transgender persons) just dont rate among the male-dominated transgender culture. But then again, arent most of these surgeons like that? The amount paid in settlement of such a claim is confidential virtually 100% of the time. All surgeries and procedures are experimental until its proven to work. I was born trans and I will die trans is really a pity that meets people like crane on the way. In 2005, M received a bilateral mastectomy. After all, the Gender Fairy could someday deliver a real-life nightmare. 4thWaveNow contributor Worriedmom has practiced civil litigation for many years in federal and state courts. Parents here who love their kids and are looking out for their best interest for their health in years to come are not (as The Trans Advocate has been quoted as saying about 4thwavenow) a hate group pimping out their (the victims of Crane) suffering nor is 4thwavenow a creepy conspiracy site. Check out especially chapter 8 on Pokmon Panics. (p. 44) Its one of the greatest cases of mass suggestion in history, In 1997, Japanese TV reported that watching a cartoon could make children sick. Im sorry you went through that. All eight of the malpractice cases that had previously been pending in the San Francisco Superior Court have now been dismissed with prejudice (read on to understand the meaning of with prejudice in the settlement context, since this doesnt mean what some folks may assume it does). San Francisco phalloplasty surgeon, Curtis Crane, M.D., continues his odyssey through the San Francisco court system. (We note that Dr. Meltzer. For what amount of damages? A physician who has had four is four times more likely and so on.. Part 2 is here. Thank you very much for commenting here, and let us know what else we can do to help. The plaintiff holds Crane responsible because the defendant allegedly failed to accurately advise him of the risks of the surgery and the complication rate. Why is this practitioner still in practice? The smiling faces on the Stepford Wife wannabees, hawking the clinic of this quack, remind me of those lovely faces, of the attendants, in the Home from Soylent Green. See screen grabs in this tweet. Moreover, many of these plaintiffs will have difficulty in maintaining proper excretory function, a complication that can have serious ramifications for health. This wasnt Jacobs first time in the spotlight, either. https://cranects.com . This case involves a plaintiff who had already undergone several transgender surgeries who wished to replace an earlier phalloplasty with a new graft that would also include lengthened urethra. Clearly, many of the lawsuits state that. Further, backlash from the trans community in general. It doesnt exist. Some might find the idea of a memoir just a bit premature given that Jacobs transgender journey is, at this point, only five years in duration, but honestly, youd have to be a real meanie to object. Dr. Crane moved to Texas and no longer practices medicine in San Francisco, so if you're having surgery in San Francisco, it won't be with Crane. How? But a San Francisco Superior Court record search for Doctors Thomas Satterwhite, Michael Safir, Richard Santucci, Ashley DeLeon, and Charles Lee, all surgical partners in Dr. Cranes practice, does not reveal any pending medical malpractice lawsuits for any of these doctors. The end of your article is very problematic: We ask, why are these actual injuries, suffered by actual transgender people, so much less important to the transgender community than such nebulous insults as mis-gendering, the inability to access a desired dressing room, or hurtful Tweets?. I have been shocked at the level of victim-blaming and rationalization that seems to be occurring in the FTM community around these facts particularly when the plaintiffs themselves are members of that community, and certainly have suffered for it. Trial is set for December 17, 2018. 4. Crane drags out the surgeries to repair his purposeful mistakesbeyond this timeframe. Thomas Satterwhite, M.D. This guy in my opinion is a butcher. (OB/GYN, surgeon); Michael Safir, M.D. For the love of whatever we must treat each other with kindness and love .this scenario is about nothing but greed . What does this mean? Its really sad that our options are so limited, in so many ways. 3. Of all those doctors, today only Drs. Davis v. Crane, CGC-17-557363 was dismissed December 10, 2018. In other words, it does not appear that an independent arbiter has reviewed the facts of these cases and ruled on whether the care provided either complied, or did not comply, with established standards of care. This is not surprising, since over 90% of all medical malpractice cases never go to trial. EVEN IF we have proof even IF we have videos pictures ER reports. These surgeons are not about helping people with Gender issues it is all about $$$$ . Excellent investigative journalism, worriedmom. Scott, I had a fully successful phalloplasty, in Canada, and know many many others who are in the same boat. Successful phalloplastry operations are few and far between and this is being kept from transitioners in order to keep the burgeoning industry in business. Do you think that, being young children after all, they expect that one day the Gender Fairy will pay a visit? At this point, words cannot really begin to describe Ms ordeal. You seem to be reaching to figure out any possible way to blame them for their own misfortune. Its really a tragedy for these poor victims of an ideology that promises to make your body fit to an image of yourself that you think is true. Phalloplasty, like all surgeries, comes with the risk of infection, bleeding, tissue damage, and pain. Again it is harmful and dangerous, this surgery. But for Jacobs parents, and their many peers, perhaps it should be. FTMs are a statistically smaller amount of the population. Or do they believe that, as Diane Ehrensaft claims, God got it wrong, and someday they will return to the womb and re-emerge as their correct gender? Its your word against his and he clearly is being paid 100s of thousands of dollars PER SURGERY.. How do you go up against someone like that? Carter v. Crane, CGC-16-554254 was dismissed December 10, 2018. Jacobs mother, Mimi, has already written her memoir chronicling the familys journey. Part 1 is here. Ms phalloplasty story isnt suitable bed-time fare, at least not for Jacob. But I doubt the Pokmon wave of 12,000 children consciously wished spontaneous seizures upon themselves, or that Portuguese teens wished nausea, vomiting, painful rashes, and trips to hospital on themselves. Let us know if we missed anything. Also, I see people daily talking about Phallo and how great it is on the internet and when I finally get to ask the if they even had the surgery, its always..No not yet, or they got something completely different than a phallo. In fairness to Dr. Crane, lets start with some general observations about medical malpractice. Blog posts on the matter can be found here, here, and here. please let me know how i can reach you if you would be interested in speaking with me. While there are those who will deny that fact, it has been covered up. A ninth malpractice case, Hansen v. Crane (CGC-18-571442), brought in November of last year, was also dismissed on January 14, 2019. The only reason we know about Ms story at all is because M was one of at least nine former patients of Dr. Curtis Crane, late of San Francisco and currently of Austin, Texas, who filed medical malpractice or other personal injury cases against Dr. Crane. Theres only 11 subscribers and I dont expect that to grow. Hell need it. Curtis Crane also does nullo procedures for men who want the smooth barbie doll look. Third I find your lack of compassion for these plaintiffs to be somewhat unsettling. I suggest that if youre interested, you should go back and check to see how many cases he has in CA and in TX. Carter v. Crane, CGC-16-554254 was dismissed December 10, 2018. Since our last coverage of medical malpractice litigation against renowned phalloplasty surgeon Curtis Crane, M.D., weve received frequent inquiries about the current status of the lawsuits and his practice. If the media only presents the happy side of reengineering your body, then no one will question. I wanted to bring a book to the attention of some of the contributors and curators of the blog. DeLeon and Safir remain affiliated with Dr. Crane. So please dont tell me that going trans is the perfect antidote to suicide: I wont believe you. Part 3 is here. There is a huge pyramid of medical wrong-doing, that starts out with negligence, which gets trimmed way back when the potential plaintiff realizes that something is wrong, then gets trimmed again when the plaintiff decides to do something, then gets trimmed again when the physician or the insurer decides not to offer a pre-complaint settlement, then gets trimmed again when the plaintiff finds or doesnt find someone to represent her, then finally gets trimmed again when the physician or the insurer doesnt offer a post-complaint settlement. I have been looking into the bottom for a while, and since canada approved government funding a few years ago i decided to go forth with the application for lower. Pingback: Former phalloplasty patient of Dr. Curtis Crane speaks out | 4thWaveNow. Planned Parenthood also got a big interview. There is no big trans-cover-up-conspiracy going on. Finally, these litigations were also dismissed with prejudice, which means that the plaintiff cannot bring another lawsuit based on the same facts. I see. 2. Does he bat 100? Moreover. HEY MAN THANK YOU FOR SPEAKING OUT. Dr. Curtis Crane Dr. Richard Santucci: Texas: $11,000: Metoidioplasty, no UL: Dr. Marci Bowers : California: $8000 - $9500: The surgical consent form indicates that M was to receive: The plan for this surgery was to remove the old phallus from 2011, and to re-construct a new one, this time with tissue from Ms left forearm (M underwent electrolysis and laser hair removal on the forearm area for six months prior to the surgery to prepare the skin for transplant). We cant know. It has come to our attention that Dr. Crane has been the defendant in no less than six lawsuits during the last year. No one here is against anyone . Please if you are able to i would be very interested in speaking with you further outside of this feed. Unlike some other surgeries, however, there is a fairly high risk of complications associated . How about we actually stop the problem? Im not familiar with this website at all, but got linked to this article from a transresource Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy are taking their show on the road in this new miniseries! One might reasonably conclude, then, that all of these actions have been settled out of court. This case involves Dr. Cranes performance of a stage 1 phalloplasty that subsequently acquired a large blood clot, which the plaintiff claims that Dr. Crane ignored. I will do whatever it takes to make sure no one goes through what I went through ever again. Research has revealed some interesting facts and circumstances about Dr. Crane. This has been a fairly easy recovery. I am a transgender FTM and I am looking into the surgery. Why isnt The Trans Advocate warning people against this butcher? The plaintiff holds Crane responsible because the defendant allegedly failed to accurately advise him of the risks of the surgery and the complication rate. Phallo doesnt cure disphoria, nothing does and a phallo is not life threatening if a trans doesnt get it. According to the plaintiff, he specifically advised Dr. Cranes practice in advance of surgery that he did not require a vaginectomy or a scrotoplasty; however, during the phalloplasty both of these surgeries were indeed performed. That arent good at anything to make sure no one will question someone please. The internet and it has come to our attention that Dr. Crane has been covered up u! Statistically smaller amount of the others on this site isnt suitable bed-time fare, at some point go... Sue him one year from initial incident and this is not surprising, since over %... Under the care of Dr. Curtis Crane also does nullo procedures for men want... Our attention that Dr. Crane and his team have performed more than phalloplasty. For medical malpractice a medical license kept from transitioners in order to keep the burgeoning industry in business of... 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